Cure Cold Sore

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cold Sore Cure

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Are you looking for cold sore cure? What is the best way to cure cold sore? Learning about cold sore is very important so we’ll understand what cold sore is and cold sore cure in the best way.

What is Cold sore? Cold sore is called herpes labialis on medical term. The infection caused by the herpes simplex type I virus. It leads to the development of a small patch of erythema then a vesicle that erodes appears and usually itching and soreness on the skin of the mouth, lips or lip area. The first symptoms usually appear within 1 or 3 weeks after contact.

Cold sore is contagious and once you are infected with it, the virus remains with you for a life. The virus stays dormant most of the time in the nerve cells on your body, until some of certain things can cause recurrence outbreak.

Cold sore is contagious. It can spread by direct contact such as a kiss, or through contact with infected towel, toothbrush, food utensils, and any other shared things.

What is cold sore cure? There are so many choices to cure cold sore, you can use cold sore ‘over the counter’ (OTC) medication, they can relief your cold sore symptom like itchy or pain, but no cure the virus completely. OTC medications include aloe Vera and vitamin E cream and for the pain relief such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

If you consult to your doctor, he may recommend you to take the antiviral medicines. Antiviral medicines work best if you take it when you think the virus is just starting to come back, before you see the blister. For most people anti-viral medicines are probably the most effective cold sore cure to stopping the virus while using the medication, but they do not prevent recurrence once the treatment is stopped.

So what is the best way to cure cold sore? Natural home remedies is the best cure for cold sore because they can relieve the symptoms, decrease the risk of recurrent outbreaks, and no dangerous side effects.

Natural home remedies have proven to be effective to cold sore cure and help reduce reoccurrence. So the complete treatment solution to cold sore is using natural home remedies.

The goal of cold sore cure is to provide relieve from the discomfort of cold sore symptoms and to decrease the time it takes for recurrent outbreaks. The best way to deal with cold sore is choice the effective cold sore cure for you, so it doesn’t have to get in the way of your living.

COLD SORES HURT YOU! Emotionally, psychologically, and physically, they hurt on a daily basis. Find out exactly what The best METHOD how you can STOP cold sore at the root of the problem, instead of just masking the symptoms?…Click here: Cold Sore CURE!

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