Cure Cold Sore

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cold Sores - you CAN prevent outbreaks...

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Anyone who has ever had a cold sore knows that they can occur for seemingly no-reason. The symptoms are often obvious enough though.

With summer coming on, and lovely days of sunshine to look forward to, how many of us are worrying about cold sores? A lot, because anyone anyone who has had a cold sore knows that sunburn or sun exposure is guaranteed to result in an outbreak...

The Herpes Simpex 1 virus (HSV1) is highly contagious and usually affects the mouth in the form of cold sores. Once you have the Herpes virus, it resides in your DNA for life. You cannot get rid of it, but you can treat cold sores, and you can prevent outbreaks.

So what triggers a Herpes (Cold Sores) outbreak?
- Illness or sickness
- High internal acid levels
- Menstruation
- Ultraviolet light (sunburn)
- Intense physical activity
- Increased moisture and friction

What are the Symptoms of a Cold Sore outbreak?
- pain, itchiness, and a burning or tingling sensation before outbreaks
- painful inflamed blisters develop around infected area
- headache
- muscle ache
- fever

Cold Sores Treatment Alternatives
There are many available treatments for cold sores, both over the counter and prescription medications.

HOWEVER, Many topical creams and ointments do not penetrate the cell membranes and may therefore aggravate the outbreak and prolong healing. Experts strongly advise against the use any kind of topical cortisone-type cream as this can suppress the local immunity and may worsen your cold sores outbreaks significantly. Many other herpes remedys contain alcohol, lidocaine or benzocaine. While generally only partially effective, these treatments can also further irritate the infected area and can lead to allergic reactions.

Natural Cold Sore Treatment AND Prevention
To find out more about cold sores (HSV1) and genital herpes (HSV2) visit This website also offers a range of natural products including a treatment for cold sores, and a cold sore prevention formula.

Don't let cold sores keep you inside this summer. Treat them. Stop them - for good.

Senior P.R. and I.M. Consultant for Naturally Guaranteed's global brand of products - Natural Healing Oils

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