Cure Cold Sore

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cold Sore Home Remedy-How To Keep Them From Blistering

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Is there a cold sore home remedy that can help in preventing them from forming in the future? If you have been through the pain and frustration of a cold sore in the past, then this is a question you've undoubtedly wanted answered.

Although there is no cure for the herpes simplex virus yet, there are preventive measures you can take to reduce and even eliminate the sore from coming to the surface. This article will look at a few of the remedies and hopefully give you some help in this area.

Ice - One of the more popular home remedy for cold sores has been the use of ice in the area that has started to become tender. The ice will freeze the sore and prevent it from breaking out.

Sun - This tip is more of prevention than a remedy, but everyone in the medical community agrees that reducing your exposure to sunlight will help you stay healthier, as well as aid in preventing cold sores.

Lysine - While medical studies are still ongoing, lysine supplements have shown to be very effective in preventing the outbreak of a cold sore. This can be accomplished by simply adding 2,000 mg of lysine each day. This is an area of research to certainly keep an eye on in the future.

Zinc - Taking zinc is another supplement that has shown effectiveness in reducing the healing time with cold sores. You can find zinc supplements, as well as lysine, in any health and beauty department.

Reduce stress - Have you ever wondered what the number one cause of getting a recurring cold sore is? The simple answer is stress. Too much stress or a sudden influx of stress is a trigger for the herpes simplex virus to immediately become active. Stress is brutal on your body. It reduces the effectiveness of your immune system which helps to keep the virus dormant.

Change your toothbrush - This may seem odd, but when you feel a cold sore coming on, get a new toothbrush. When the symptoms are gone, get another new one. It prevents the spread of the virus to your other areas.

These are just a few cold sore home remedy tips and there are many others as well. Put one or more of these tips to use the next time you begin to feel the telltale signs of a sore coming on. I believe it could help in providing you some relief.

Terry Edwards provides helpful information on cold sores. You can find many more tips and information on eliminating cold sores by visiting

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