Cure Cold Sore

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Home Remedies For Cold Sores And Canker Sores

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First, it is important to establish that canker sores and cold sores are not the same. You must be able identify which is which in order to use the right home remedies and cut down the healing time of the blister.

Canker sores are painful sores that appear in the month. Either in the cheeks, inside your lips, under your tongue or on your gums. Doctors are not sure what causes canker sores, but stress, allergies, bad nutrition or menstrual periods can all trigger canker sores. Women in their teens to late 20's usually get them more often but anyone can get them. The pain of a canker sores usually decreases within 7 to 10 days and completely heals within 2 to 3 weeks.

Cold sores or fever blisters appear when you contract the herpes simplex virus. There are two types of the virus, type 1 which appear on the face and type 2 which appear in the genital area. Cold sores are identified by there location and appearance. Usually found on or at the edge of the lips and on the face near the lips. There appearance is first visible as a fluid filled blister then when the blister burst they form a brownish crust accompanied by itching and burning. If the crust cracks it usually bleed.

Cold sores usually appear after a cold or flu. When the immune system is weak the simplex virus causes an outbreak. The life of a cold sore is usually 10 to 14 days but you can significantly reduce that time with some good old fashioned home remedies.

One of the best home remedies for cold sores is simply to apply a warm and moist black tea bag over the cold sore for 5 minutes every hour. Use a tea that contains tannic acid.

For canker sores rinse the mouth with 1 tsp. potassium chlorate mixed with 1 cup water. Repeat 2 to 3 times daily. For immediate pain relief use ibuprofen or acetaminophen accompanied by anbesol or oragel.

View the best home remedies for cold sores if you need to cure your cold sores fast. CLICK HERE

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