Cure Cold Sore

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How to Get Rid of Cold Sore

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Cold sore is one type of common problems and we all suffer from the cold sore one time or another time of our life. If you want to know how to get rid of cold sore, you first need to know what is cold sore. Herpes virus in our body causes the cold sore. At the starting white blisters are formed inside our mouth and these can be very painful.

If you want to get of cold sore, one of the solutions is to put the ice on the cold sore until the ice melts. This will prevent the chance of blister formation at the site of cold sore and you need to put ice regularly so that the infection does not spread to other parts of the mouth. You can use a paper or towel on the skin to hold the ice.

As the cold sore are extremely painful, you can take over the counter painkillers if pain is unbearable. You can also use local anesthetic ointment instead of a painkiller. You should avoid citrus fruit as citric acid of citrus fruit will increase pain and blister formation and will also spread the disease to other parts of the mouth. You should also avoid salty food that will irritate the site. If you have taken any over the counter medicine, you should see your health care provider and tell him that you have taken OTC (over the counter) medicine.

Many people report that they apply garlic at the site of sold sore and get relief. Eating of garlic fruit is also beneficial and can cause some relief from sold sore. Cold sore and blisters can also be caused by food allergies to many people. If a special food causes cold sore and blisters to you, it is better to avoid the food for the time being.

One more method to get rid of cold sore is to pin and rub the alcohol at the popped blister. Alcohol is very useful for stopping herpes virus from spread. Alcohol should be carefully rubbed to the popped blister so that herpes virus is completely destroyed. You should avoid kissing, as cold sore is contagious in nature. - Get rid of Coldsores in three days!!

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