Cure Cold Sore

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Get Rid Of A Cold Sore

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Getting a cold sore can be a most unpleasant experience. And if you are one of the over 60 million people who develop a cold sore each and every year, you already know that. Why do people get a cold sore, and what can be done when a cold sore appears? Here is a quick cold sore Q & A to give you some answers to these questions and many others.

What Causes A Cold Sore?

There are many reasons why you can get a cold sore. One of the biggest ones is due to stress. If you are going through a very stressful time in your life, your chances of getting a cold sore are greatly increased. Why? Because your immunity is low due to the stress. Being out in to much sunlight can be a big cause. Other triggers include illness, fevers, and believe it or not, even eating too much chocolate can cause a cold sore to break out.

Is A Cold Sore Contagious?

Cold sores are extremely contagious. You should avoid kissing anyone when you have a cold sore. You will also want to avoid sharing glasses, utensils, toothbrushes, and towels.

How Long Do Cold Sores Last?

While there is no set length of time, cold sores can last up to 2 weeks. If you can start treating it very early in the beginning you may be able to reduce the length of time significantly. In many cases it can be only 3-5 days in duration. The key is treating it as soon as you notice something is not right and you start noticing some discomfort.

What Is The Difference Between A Canker Sore And A Cold Sore?

A canker sore appears on the inside of your mouth or gums and is caused by bacteria. A cold sore is caused by a virus and will most likely always appear on the outside of your mouth. There are rare times when a cold sore will form on the roof of your mouth.

Is There Anything That Will Get Rid Of A Cold Sore?

While there is no cure to ever preventing a cold sore from forming, there are products available that will dramatically help reduce the pain and help heal the cold sore much faster. Many times you can be healed in as little as 4-5 days. (You can go to our website for more details.) You can also purchase medication from any pharmacy with a doctors prescripition. Most of the over the counter products may help in a small way, but unfortunately, many are simply ineffective.

You can find much more information on how to get rid of a cold sore as well as get FREE tips and information on cold sores at

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