Cure Cold Sore

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All Natural Cold Sore Remedies You Probably Didn't Know About!

Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days I GUARANTEED Click Here to Know More


>>  Dont Even Think Of Trying Other Prodicts untill You Read This <<



Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and are highly contagious. Cold sores are a pain, literally. If your reading this article and have cold sores your probably thinking ?Why me?!? But today is your lucky day. I will tell you about some great remedies that can help keep your cold sores in check.

The cold sore virus lays dormant in the body, and comes out when the virus is triggered. Several conditions trigger this. One cause is stress. Learn to relax, or else your cold sores will continue to be consistent. I know, having cold sores themselves cause stress, but if you learn to relax your outbreaks will lessen. Another cause is the sun itself. When going out into the sun, make sure you use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher on your lips. A good way to prevent cold sores is to keep up a strong immune system, you can do this just by staying healthy in general, exercise and proper vitamins can help keep your immune system up, and your cold sores away.

Some good supplements are Vitamin C. Take 200-500 mg of vitamin C, along with 200-500 mg of citrus bioflavonoids. If you take this three times a day, the duration of your cold sores will be reduced greatly.

Vitamin E, when applied topically will provide relief of the pain that is caused by your cold sores.

Yogurt-Believe it or not, yogurt with live cultures has been known to completely stop cold sore outbreaks, however heat-treated yogurt will not work. Yogurt stimulates the immune system.

Zinc-Applying zinc topically can reduce cold sore durations.

Don't let cold sores ruin your life.Get proactive and do whats best for yourself. These are just a few treatments that you should try out, and more cold sore cures will be published by me soon, so check back soon!

If your tired of having nasty, ugly, uncomfortable cold sores, look into my site for more ideas on cures, and products that I have approved that work. Get back on track now, and start living life again cold sore free. Control your cold sores, dont let your cold sores control you!

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