Cure Cold Sore

Monday, November 12, 2007

Great Natural Folk Remedys For Curing Cold Sores

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There are many all natural cold sore remedies out there. If you are plagued by cold sores, and nothing is working for you, natural remedies can be a lot safer than antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics can cause horrible symptoms such as headache; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a long use of it will even cause drug-resistant strains of the herpes simplex virus!

The following is a list of some great natural remedies for cold sores.

Acidophilus Take four acidophilus capsules three or four times a day with milk. The milk helps raise the immune system.This will help ease your pain, and speed up the healing process.. If you do this when you feel a cold sore coming on, you may even prevent the blister from forming.

Aloe If you feel a cold sore coming on, rub the juice of aloe on it. If you travel a lot, make sure to bring a bottle of aloe gel with you as a precaution, in case a sore begins. Taking aloe not only is a precautionary measure, but also works with pre-existing cold sores. Once the aloe is applied, the healing process begins.

Chaparral- Native Americans once used the herb chaparral (Larrea tridentata) as a cure for viruses and colds, arthritis, burns, sores and many other problems. A company has recently patented a product called Larreastat derived from chaparral that is very effective in stopping certain viruses, Stopping inflammation, and clearing up skin ailments. The product comes in capsules and a spray, and provides quick relief from cold sore inflammation.

Cornstarch Apply this to the body as a paste

DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) Use a cotton ball to Dab this on your sores twice daily. It stops the virus growth going straight to the center of the sore.

Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) - mix this with aloe or olive oil, and use a cottonball to put it on to the sore. GSE is very strong, so try not to use too much.

Ice When you feel a cold sore coming on, applying ice to the spot can stop it from forming. Apply ice every ten minutes for an hour. This cuts off the nerve of the skin and prevents cold sores from forming.

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) Studies indicate that using an extract of lemon balm speed the healing process and reduce the symptoms of cold sores.

Lomatium (Lomatium dissectum) has been used by the Native Americans and is very powerful. Research has found that it may be effective against viruses and is strong infection fighter. Make sure you use an extract instead of a tincture to avoid getting a full-body rash.

Hopefully these remedies will help aid you in curing your cold sores. The best way to fight your cold sores is to get proactive, and get back on track to being a healthy and happy person.

If your tired of having nasty, ugly, uncomfortable cold sores, look into my site for more ideas on cures, and products that I have approved that work. Get back on track now, and start living life again cold sore free. Control your cold sores, dont let your cold sores control you!

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