Cure Cold Sore

Friday, November 30, 2007

Coldsore Remedies at Home

Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days I GUARANTEED Click Here to Know More


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They show up without warning and stay longer than they are welcome, although, of course, you wished that they had never showed up in the first place. No, we aren't talking about your in-laws, we are talking about coldsores. Coldsores are a problem that too many of us have to face. Sometimes it can be a long time between outbreaks but sure enough, just when we are least expecting it there they are again. So where do the coldsores come from in the first place and is there really such a thing as coldsore remedies that really work?

Cold sores are actually the product of the herpes simplex virus. Though not as dangerous as the better known herpes virus, the herpes simplex virus can cause a host of problems that you may not be aware of. The virus is transmitted through direct contact, usually of the lips or the genital area when an outbreak is noticeable. Though relatively unharmful to adults, when the virus is passed on to a child during birth it can cause death to the infant.

Coldsore remedies have been around for quite some time, some of them may bring some relief and others are just kind of silly. Sometimes it helps to eat the right foods, and although it doesn't remove the coldsores this coldsore remedy can actually reduce the duration of the outbreak. Eating things high in Lysine, such as cheese can be beneficial.

There are some all natural methods for cold sore healing that have been successful as well. By sticking to these programs not only can you remove the cold sores that are already out there but you can contribute toward not ever having another outbreak again.

It's time to cure the cause instead of just treating the symptom. If you are tired of dealing with embarrassing and uncomfortable cold sores then try using our natural method of cold sore reversal and healing, in as little as 3 days. Be cold sore free for life. Visit us online for our special report and some free tips at rel="nofollow" href="">

rel="nofollow" href="">Natural Cold Sore Treatment has helped many people to be cold sore free for life.

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