Cure Cold Sore

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Learning the Causes of Cold Sores and Finding a Cure

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If you have a cold sore then that is only the beginning of your problems. The fact that you have a coldsore is only an outward showing of a much deeper problem. Although they can be unsightly and uncomfortable, finding the causes of cold sores is actually more important that finding a way to lessen the blow. In fact, it's only by knowing what causes the cold sores in the first place that you can start to work on a more permanent solution.

The cold sores that show up on your body are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Although this virus is not as bad as the better known herpes virus, it does provide some difficulties of its own. The herpes simplex virus is a problem that can lie dormant for many years in your body before showing up in the form of a cold sore. The virus can be passed on from person to person by lip to lip contact as well as genital contact, but only when the sores are visible and the time leading up to that point (known as shedding)

According to medical science there is no cure for the herpes simplex virus, which means that, if you believe this, that once you have the virus there is no hope. Of course they do offer plenty of medicine to help you to deal with the virus and to lessen the effects of the cold sores, but they can't cure it. I personally think that is a bunch of hog wash. There are plenty of natural cures out there that have been proven to have worked, and you can read a lot of testimonials on those websites from people who have been healed from this "incurable" virus.

It's time to cure the cause instead of just treating the symptom. If you are tired of dealing with embarrassing and uncomfortable cold sores then try using our natural method of cold sore reversal and healing, in as little as 3 days. Be cold sore free for life. Visit us online for our special report and some free tips at

Natural Cold Sore Treatment has helped many people to be cold sore free for life.

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