Cure Cold Sore

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cold Sores and Herpes Simplex Diagnosis

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Herpes Simplex virus comes from the Herpes Virus Family, called Herpesviridae of which two basic strains, notably HSV-1 & HSV-2 causes the infection. These are also known as Human Herpes Virus-1 and Human Herpes Virus ? 2 (HHV-1 & HHV-2). The infections are characterized by painful blisters filled with translucent fluids that appear on the skin or mucous membranes like the mouth or lips or on the genitals. There is nothing simple either about the HSV-1 or HSV-2 excepting that they prefer to become lifelong partners of the host on whose nerve cells they are permanently engrossed. From the outside, these blisters resemble those seen in chickenpox, the handiwork of another subfamily, VZV known as Herpes Virus-3 or HHV-3.

The infection may start with kissing (direct contact with lips) or through sexual intercourse (genital contact) when HSV sores are present or immediately before they appear, i.e. the Shedding stage. However, after the initial or primary stage of the infection, the virus goes into hibernation, remaining dormant within the cell bodies of nerves, innervating the area of original outbreak. After sometime the reactivation starts, when the virus is transported outwardly through the cell?s axon to the skin. And that?s when the blisters are seen. Though the infection is not fatal to adults, but yet if they are present during childbirth may lead to severe complications and even the sad death of the infant.

The primary symptoms of herpes simplex is burning, tingling or itching sensations near the edges of the lips or nose. This is known as the Prodromal stage. Thereafter, small, reddened spots develop in the irritated areas. And then comes the chickenpox-like blisters that are filled with fluid that often rupture, releasing a sticky serum-like fluid that rapidly crusts.

The strapping tendency of the virus to remain dormant within the nerve cells for indefinite periods gives it the characteristics of chronic nature. To begin with, none of the known antibiotics have any effect on viruses that come and go on their own and secondly, it becomes extremely difficult to dislodge them from the nerve cells where they are permanently lodged. However, the initial outbreaks after the exposure to HSV are more severe, compared to later episodes, since by then the body gets a chance to produce its own antibodies. Beware! The first outbreak often carries the risk of developing meningitis.

When an HSV infection appears on the lips in the form of a blister or sore, it is commonly called a ?cold sore? or ?fever blister?. However, it should never be mixed up with ?canker sore? because canker sores are not caused by the HSV virus.

Yes, it is. Especially when the carrier is producing and/or releasing, i.e. ?shedding? during an outbreak. Besides, like contact dermatisis, the disease can spread by physical contact during outbreaks. The normal human tendency of touching a cold sore and repeating the procedure on other spots on the face or neck may trigger further outbreaks. Touching an eye after the finger is wet with the fluid coming out of an open sore is extremely dangerous as it may affect the cornea and may cause blindness.

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about cold sores, herpes treatment and other common conditions for

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