Cure Cold Sore

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore

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Cold sores are caused by a herpessimplex virus. They can spread from one individual to another by direct contact between skin surfaces. Most people contract this virus before adolescence, and most children that are infected rarely develop symptoms at that time. The virus then lies dormant until later triggered by an illness or an emotional upset. This causes a cold sore, or also known as a fever blister, to occur. This is why one day in your late teenage life you suddenly get a cold sore.

A fever blister is not a new virus, it is an old one that has been dormant but has been reactivated from emotions or illness. Stress may cause you to get emotionally overwhelmed and may cause a sore to form. Affected individuals often suffer from recurring attacks. So if you have suffered from one you will more than likely have another one. Cold sores tend to accompany common colds and infectious diseases. This could be pneumonia or diptheria, characterized by fever. These blister or sores that occur are a type of facial lesion that form on the lips or on the skin area immediately adjacent to the mouth.

These lesions can be painfull and rather large. You can usually feel these coming on a day or two before they actually turn to a sore. They start out feeling like a small hotspot on your lip. When you feel this sensation take immediate action and you could prevent a flare up. This may be an early symptom. There are two types of the herpes simplex virus. Type 1, called hsv1 that generally only infects those body tissues that lie above the waistline. This s the type of herpes virus that cause your fever blisters or cold sores. Type 2, called hsv2 usually only infects those body tissues that lie below the waistline. This is the type of herpes virus that cause genital herpes. These are also contagious. Herpes cannot be curred, but they can be maintained. There are remedies and medicines that will keep the outbreaks away, both for cold sores and genital herpes. If you have genital herpes, you should seek medical attention to prevent future outbreaks and prevent spreading of this virus.

Don Stacy from west virginia, keeping you informed and upated. for more info on prevention of cold sores.

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