Cure Cold Sore

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Naturally

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Cold sores are painful, embarrassing and very frustrating. They have ruined big presentations, big date and nights out, they even ruined vacations, weddings and honeymoons. They always seem to pop up whenever your big day is near.

More and more frustrated cold sore sufferers are using home remedies to cure there cold sores leaving behind the expensive drugs and over the counter fad for three reasons. The side effects, the costs and the fact that most of these treatments are slow. Why, because it takes time for the body to absorb these drugs in order for them to start working.

Home remedies for cold sores are fast, safe and effective. So why won't your doctor tell you about them. Some will but most rely heavily on drugs to combat cold sores. These drugs and treatment are prescribed in large numbers and are very expensive. They keep the medical and pharmaceutical communities rolling. Now I'm not saying this is the only reason but it is a factor.

Cold sore home remedies focus primarily on attacking the cold sores naturally from the inside as well as out, instead of battling them from the surface like most products. By using a two-pronged approach to cure your cold sore you can have permanent results much faster.

It is important to note that it is a lot easier and faster to get rid of cold sores if you start treating it as soon as you detect one.Not allowing the virus to mature will save you a lot of time and pain.

One of the more popular home remedy for cold sores, mostly because of it simplicity, is ice. Apply ice for 5 to 10 minutes every hour on the affected area. This home remedy, however, is more effective if the cold sore has not yet penetrated the skin surface and is still in the tingling stage. But the ice will only be working on the outside and not the virus itself.

You can view more effective home remedies for cold sores at and learn how you can cure your cold sores in as little as 3 days.

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