Cure Cold Sore

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Cold Sore Cure

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What is the best way to cure cold sore Cold sore or fever blister are caused by the herpes simplex type I virus, and once you are infected with it, the virus stays with you forever. Though the virus stays dormant in the nerve cells on your body most of the time, certain things can cause an outbreak.

Cold sore is contagious. It can spread by direct contact such as a kiss, oral sex, or through contact with infected towel, toothbrush, food utensils, and any other shared things even you can spread that to your own body such as eye and genital with direct contact.

There are choices for cold sore cure:

1. You can use cold sore over the counter (OTC) medication, using a low dose of lidocaine and moisture like aloe vera cream, vitamin E cream to help prevent cracking, they can relief your cold sore symptom like itchy or pain temporary, but no cure the virus completely or decrease recurrence of cold sores.

2. Prescription medications from your doctor, he may recommend you to take the antiviral medicines. It would costly and antiviral medicine are not suitable for everbody also risk negative side effect. Antiviral medicines work best if you effective take it when you think the virus is just starting to come back, before you see the blister. Antiviral medicines are probably the most effective cold sore cure to stopping the virus while using the medication, but after you stopped the treatment, they do not prevent recurrence.

3. Natural home remedies is the best cure for cold sore because they can relieve the symptoms, reduce rate of recurrent outbreaks, and no dangerous side effects and improve your immune system. Some of natural home remedies are :

 lemon balm has effect as antiviral, use lemon balm cream to your cold sore cure.

 dabbed Tea Tree Oil with cotton ball on the cold sore area or where you suspect the sores are about to develop. Tea tree oil effect as antiviral.

 Echinacea is active as antiviral.

 Tannic acid in the tea has effect as antiviral, dabbed a tea bag for five to ten minutes when the cold sores suspect to start.

 And much more natural home remedies solution.

Natural home remedies have proven to be effective to cold sore cure and help reduce reoccurrence by improve your immune system. The complete treatment solution to cold sore is using natural home remedies. So the best way to deal with cold sore is choice the effective cold sore cure for you, so you do not just masking the symptom!

COLD SORES HURT YOU! Emotionally, psychologically, and physically, they hurt on a daily basis. Find out exactly what the best METHOD how you can STOP cold sore at the root of the problem, instead of just masking the symptomsClick here: Cold Sore CURE!

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Home Remedies For Cold Sores And Canker Sores

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First, it is important to establish that canker sores and cold sores are not the same. You must be able identify which is which in order to use the right home remedies and cut down the healing time of the blister.

Canker sores are painful sores that appear in the month. Either in the cheeks, inside your lips, under your tongue or on your gums. Doctors are not sure what causes canker sores, but stress, allergies, bad nutrition or menstrual periods can all trigger canker sores. Women in their teens to late 20's usually get them more often but anyone can get them. The pain of a canker sores usually decreases within 7 to 10 days and completely heals within 2 to 3 weeks.

Cold sores or fever blisters appear when you contract the herpes simplex virus. There are two types of the virus, type 1 which appear on the face and type 2 which appear in the genital area. Cold sores are identified by there location and appearance. Usually found on or at the edge of the lips and on the face near the lips. There appearance is first visible as a fluid filled blister then when the blister burst they form a brownish crust accompanied by itching and burning. If the crust cracks it usually bleed.

Cold sores usually appear after a cold or flu. When the immune system is weak the simplex virus causes an outbreak. The life of a cold sore is usually 10 to 14 days but you can significantly reduce that time with some good old fashioned home remedies.

One of the best home remedies for cold sores is simply to apply a warm and moist black tea bag over the cold sore for 5 minutes every hour. Use a tea that contains tannic acid.

For canker sores rinse the mouth with 1 tsp. potassium chlorate mixed with 1 cup water. Repeat 2 to 3 times daily. For immediate pain relief use ibuprofen or acetaminophen accompanied by anbesol or oragel.

View the best home remedies for cold sores if you need to cure your cold sores fast. CLICK HERE

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Best Cold Sore Treatment - What is A Successful Cold Sore Cure

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In this article we will look at a few different types of medicinal remedies that are available and are considered to be the best cold sore treatment that is available today to acheive a cold sore cure.

1. Viroxyn

This is a new approach in helping to treat herpes and does not rely on the patient taking the medicine internally. It has been designed to specifically attack and disrupt the lipid coat of virus (cold sore) and is best described as being a germicide rather than the normal anti-viral treatment. Many say this is the best cold sore treatment on the market.

As it is a virucide you apply it directly to the lesion (cold sore) and this will then kill the virus. This type of treatment works faster than many of the other types of drugs available which have to work their way through your stomach into the bloodstream and which are then able to deal with the sores and will only interefere with the viruses reproduction which has caused the cold sores in the first place. This is why some call it a cold sore cure.

Unlike the other treatments that are available which will interrupt the genetic code of herpes and eventually stop the virus from growing, Viroxyn strips the lipid coating off the virus and then kills it when it comes into contact with an affected area.

2. Zovirax or Acyclovir

This is taken as an episodic treatment and can reduce the severity of the outbreak, as well as shorten its duration and also shorten the time during which the herpes virus is detected on the skin's surface in a similar way to Viroxyn.

Because it is an episodic treatment it should be taken 5 times a day and can also be used as a suppressive treatment which will help to reduce the number of cold sore outbreaks a person has. If you wish to use it as a suppressive treatment you will need to take 2 tablets 3 or 4 times a day but it is best to speak to your doctor to get the specific dosage in order to treat the cold sores correctly. This medication has it's own defenders as the best cold sore treatment on the market.

However with Zovirax there are a couple of common side effects which you may suffer from and these are nausea and diarrhea. When you consider a cold sore cure, you must keep in mind the side effects in making an evaluation.

We have provided details on a couple of the best cold sore treatments that available, but it is up to you to research both natural and prescription treatments and use a plan that you feel comfortable with in your search for a cold sore cure.

Dee Cohen is a writer and publisher. Visit to study articles on Best Cold Sore Treatment Reviews

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cold Sore Pictures

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

What is a Cold Herpes Sore And How Does the HSV spread?

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So you would like to know what a cold herpes sore is? In this article we will try to explain exactly what it is and it's causes.

Firstly a cold herpes sore is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) which will manifest itself in 2 types of viral infection It is marked by painful watery blisers to the skin or the mucous membrane (such as those found on the mouth or lips) as well as those found on a person's genitals. What you should remember is that this disease is contagious especially during an outbreak and can not be cured using current technology.

The infection that appears on a person's lip is the one that is commonly referred to as a cold sore and it may sometimes be confused with aphthous ulcers or those which are more commonly referred to as canker sores. These are similar in appearance but appear inside the mouth they are not caused by HSV. For those people who do not present signs of HSV ,then it lies dormant in the bodies of the nerve cells and will replicate and travel along the axons towards the skin during an outbreak. Once the outbreak has passed, the virus lies dormant within the nerve bodies and it is very difficult to treat it.

Generally HSV is transmitted by direct contact of the lips where cold herpes sores are present or just before they appear. Unfortunately if you happen to be suffering from genital cold sores then you may well increase the chance of infection to your unborn child at the time of birth. The virus will be transmitted to them as they travel down the birth canal, but this risk can be minimised if there are no symptoms or exposed blisters during the delivery. Normally a person who suffers an outbreak of cold sores for the first time after being exposed to HSV is usually having more severe symptoms than those outbreaks that they have at later dates . This is because the body will not have had a chance to produce antibodies the first time round to help attack the virus.

Most outbreaks of cold herpes sores are preceded by a sensation of burning, itching or tingling in the area prior to the blistering becoming visible.

In the US over recent years there has been a decline in infections with the HSV-1 and 2 strains of genital herpes though infections rates are still around 58% for HSV-1 and 17% for HSV-2.

Hopefully the information that has been provided above will give you a better understanding of what cold herpes sores are.

Dee Cohen is a social worker and yoga teacher. Visit for Cold Herpes Sore information and answers.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Cold Sore Care - Facts You Should Know

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Cold sore care is at the top of the list for anyone who has ever had one of these painful sores before. While most people have heard of cold sores, many don't really understand what they are caused from or how to prevent them. Here are some cold sore facts to help in giving you a better understanding.

1. A cold sore and a canker sore are completely unrelated.

A lot of people have a misunderstanding on this one. A canker sore forms on the inside of your mouth, gums, or tongue and it is not a virus.

A cold sore forms on the outside of your mouth, in most cases, it is a virus. It comes as the result of having the herpes simplex virus type 1.

2. There is no complete cure for cold sores.

While there are many ways of treating a cold sore and preventing them from forming, there still is no cure for herpes yet. The virus stays dormant in your central nervous system, just waiting to become active.

3. Stress can cause an outbreak.

This is very true. Emotional stress is one of, if not the biggest, cause for breakouts. Other causes can also include an illness as well as other reasons. When the virus suddenly becomes active, it moves down the nerves and immediately causes a blister form.

4. Cold sores are contagious.

If you have an active cold sore, you can easily spread it to others. Kissing or sharing the same cup can cause it to spread. Sharing a towel or toothbrush are just a few of the many ways this virus gets spread.

5. Diet and exercise can help in cold sore prevention.

This is a fact that many people overlook. Diet and exercise will help in strengthening your immune system, which is turns helps to keep the virus dormant. By getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep, are good examples of cold sore care that will lead to keeping the virus from causing a breakout.

6. The virus can be spread to other places on your body.

After touching an active blister, be sure to wash your hands. If you don't and you touch your eyes, you can spread the virus.

7. Catching the symptoms early can lead to preventing the sore from breaking out.

There are several ways to prevent a sore from blistering if you start treating it immediately when you first feel the signs of it developing. There are many cold sore care products that can aid in preventing a breakout. That's much better than doing nothing and having a painful sore for the next two weeks.

Terry Edwards provides helpful information on cold sores. You can find many more tips and information on eliminating cold sores by visiting

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cold Sore Home Remedy-How To Keep Them From Blistering

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Is there a cold sore home remedy that can help in preventing them from forming in the future? If you have been through the pain and frustration of a cold sore in the past, then this is a question you've undoubtedly wanted answered.

Although there is no cure for the herpes simplex virus yet, there are preventive measures you can take to reduce and even eliminate the sore from coming to the surface. This article will look at a few of the remedies and hopefully give you some help in this area.

Ice - One of the more popular home remedy for cold sores has been the use of ice in the area that has started to become tender. The ice will freeze the sore and prevent it from breaking out.

Sun - This tip is more of prevention than a remedy, but everyone in the medical community agrees that reducing your exposure to sunlight will help you stay healthier, as well as aid in preventing cold sores.

Lysine - While medical studies are still ongoing, lysine supplements have shown to be very effective in preventing the outbreak of a cold sore. This can be accomplished by simply adding 2,000 mg of lysine each day. This is an area of research to certainly keep an eye on in the future.

Zinc - Taking zinc is another supplement that has shown effectiveness in reducing the healing time with cold sores. You can find zinc supplements, as well as lysine, in any health and beauty department.

Reduce stress - Have you ever wondered what the number one cause of getting a recurring cold sore is? The simple answer is stress. Too much stress or a sudden influx of stress is a trigger for the herpes simplex virus to immediately become active. Stress is brutal on your body. It reduces the effectiveness of your immune system which helps to keep the virus dormant.

Change your toothbrush - This may seem odd, but when you feel a cold sore coming on, get a new toothbrush. When the symptoms are gone, get another new one. It prevents the spread of the virus to your other areas.

These are just a few cold sore home remedy tips and there are many others as well. Put one or more of these tips to use the next time you begin to feel the telltale signs of a sore coming on. I believe it could help in providing you some relief.

Terry Edwards provides helpful information on cold sores. You can find many more tips and information on eliminating cold sores by visiting

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast - 5 Simple Techniques

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Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus and are commonly transmitted by direct oral or genital contact where sold sores are present. It is an extremely common virus that the majority of the population will be exposed to at one time or another, though a lot of people do not show any signs or symptoms, such as the usual cold sores around the lips.

Herpes can also be transmitted during birth with potentially fatal consequences for the child. Clearly, this is no laughing matter for expectant or soon to be expectant mothers.

The usual time-frame for healing cold sores is one to two weeks. Even though the virus stays in the body for life, there are ways to be sure the virus remains dormant and to do away with recurring outbreaks. You can get rid of cold sores safely and permanently without any drugs.

To prevent cold sores, follow these steps:

1. Avoid close contact with people who have cold sores! This goes beyond kissing people who have cold sores. If someone who has cold sores touches their lip and then handles something that you handle, there is a chance for you will get cold sores if you touch your face.

2. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures. Harsh winds and intense sunlight can cause cold sore outbreaks.

3. Use lip gloss with sunscreen This tip falls in line with the previous one. Lip gloss that contains sunscreen will help protect against flare ups.

If you already have cold sores, you have a few viable options to cut back on recovery time and reduce outbreaks. Follow these steps to get rid of cold sores:

1. Drink lots of fluids Lots of water and fruit juice will help reduce the time it takes for cold sores to recede.

2. Use teabags You can put teabags on your cold sore area. There is a chemical in tea bags that act against the virus and help stop any further inflammation.

3. Use Witch Hazel - Witch Hazel is an herb that grows naturally in North America, Japan, and China. An extract of witch hazel is used for various medicinal purposes, including stopping the effects of cold sores. You can likely find it at your local health food store.

4. Use Salt - Small amounts of salt applied to the affected area will help do away with cold sores in a matter of days.

5. Use aloe vera - Aloe vera is a very effective remedy for many skin ailments. It will help the reduce the pain and irritation of cold sores.

Using these 5 techniques in tandem will do away with your cold sores in a matter of days for most people.

Did this article of how to get rid of cold sores help you? Check out the Cold Sore Resource Center to learn more about stopping cold sores!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What Does A Cold Sore

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Monday, December 17, 2007

The Herpes Simplex Virus - The Culprit Behind Cold Sores

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Do you suffer from cold sores or the herpes simplex virus? If so, you are certainly not alone. An estimated 100 million Americans have acquired the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) which causes cold sores. These mouth sores can be a real pain to say the least. A cold sore is a small reddish or purple blister that is the end result of the herpes virus flaring up in your body. There are two types of Herpes Simplex Virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Let's take a look at the differences between the two and how they can affect you.


Herpes Simplex Virus 2 is the strain of the virus that causes genital herpes. Approximately 22% of American adults have HSV-2. What is even more frightening is the fact that two thirds of them do not even realize it and can be continuing to further spread the virus. It is spread by those who are having an active outbreak having unprotected sex with those who do not have it. With that said though, even having protected sex offers no guarantee that the virus will not be passed.


Herpes Simplex Virus 1 is the form of herpes that causes mouth sores. Because the herpes simplex virus is highly contagious, you should always avoid skin-to-skin contact with an open cold sore in order to avoid getting the virus.

Also, any kind of herpes virus is dangerous to newborns. It can easily be spread to the baby in the first weeks of life if he or she is kissed by someone with an active cold sore (oral herpes).

Early action in treating a cold sore during the initial tingling or burning stage may help in stopping the blister from forming, or help the cold sore heal faster once it has formed. They will generally clear up without treatment in seven to 10 days. Most people don't need treatment, since they go away on their own, but some over the counter medications can offer some relief. The key with these medicines is to begin treatment before the blister appears. If you wait until after it has already formed or broken open, it will be too late.

Keep in mind that cold sores are extremely contagious until they have completely healed and the affected skin has returned to normal. But even then there is still the possibility of spreading the virus for some time even after the skin has healed. If for any reason you don't see complete healing within 2 weeks, or it gets worse, talk to your doctor about the best way of treating a cold sore.

Discover how to Get Rid Of Cold Sores In 3 Days and put an end to them once and for all! This program works for anyone. Find out more by visiting

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Cold Sore Cure - A Look At The Best Cold Sore Treatments

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While it is true that there is no cold sore cure yet, there are numerous treatments available to control them. Although having a cold sore can be the pits, let's take a closer look at some treatments that may help you fight off these nasty sores.

Over-The-Counter Products

This is most likely your first line of defense when it comes to treating a cold sore. What you will find with most all of these creams, ointments and liquids is that they are designed to relieve the pain that comes with having a cold sore.

Other OTC medications will try to fight off further development of the sore, while a few others will attempt to ward off the formation of the sore itself and prevent it from forming.

Products that contain ingredients such as zinc and lysine are said to help in preventing cold sores from coming to the surface if applied before they actually form.

Although not a cold sore cure, products that provide moisture to the cold sore such as lip balms will aid in preventing cracking and bleeding.

Cold Sore Home Remedies

This is an area that is full of myths and various home concoctions to aid in curing cold sores. Here are a few of the most common methods, although none have been proven to work.

Ice - If you apply an ice pack directly to the area where you feel the sore coming on, it will supposedly prevent it from forming. You are supposed to do this 5-6 times a day. The ice is said to freeze the sore and prevent it from developing.

Tea Bags - Take a wet tea bag and place it up against the sore. By doing this for a few minutes every hour it is said to prevent the sore from forming.

Tea Tree Oil - Many people say that tea tree oil is the best cold sore treatment, but again this method has not been proven.


A number of people claim that taking vitamin supplements such as lysine and amino acids will reduce the frequency of getting cold sores. You should speak to your doctor about this first before beginning to take any kind of supplements.

While these are the most common cold sore home treatments, there are other natural remedies as well. Although there may not be a cold sore cure, there are ways to reduce and virtually eliminate them from returning.

Discover the Best Cold SoreTreatments and put an end to them once and for all! This program works for anyone. Find out more by visiting

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Get Rid Of Cold Sores With Abreva Cold Sore Medication

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If you are among the millions of people who try to get rid of cold sores each and every year, then you have most likely tried several of the over-the-counter remedies that are available. One of these products is the Abreva Cold Sore Medication. Let's take a closer look at Abreva and find out if it actually works as advertised.

The Abreva cold sore medicine is sold in any pharmacy aisle of your local drugstore. It comes in a bright blue package that contains a small 2 gram tube. You will find it at a cost of $10-$15.

In reading the directions, it says to use the product 5 times every day by applying the cream on the cold sore when the area first begins to tingle.

When you get home with the package the first thing you will find is how tough it is to get the tube out of the packaging. It nearly takes a small army to do it! Whoever designed the packaging should get a raise for making it nearly impossible to get to. When you do get it open you might be asking yourself how could something so small cost $15? The product seems so tiny, but then again, if it works then I don't really care what size it is.

Well, after using the product as directed I must say that I have mixed results. Does it get rid of cold sores? For some people I am sure it does, but for me it didn't really work out too well. I didn't find that it stopped or shortened the healing time of my cold sore in a dramatic way. To be fair though, I have known others who have used Abreva and had good success, so the product does apparently help some people.

With that said, you may want to give Abreva a try. But, what I have found is that there are other methods of treating a cold sore that work much better in relieving the symptoms and helping prevent their future return.You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Discover how to Get Rid Of Cold Sores and put an end to them once and for all! This program works for anyone. Find out more by visiting

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What Is A Cold Sore? What Does A Cold Sore Look Like? Common Cold Sore FAQ!

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Many people suffer from cold sore outbreaks. Cold sores are often times painful and almost impossible to hide. Do you ever ask yourself: "what is a cold sore?" or "what causes a cold sore?" You might be surprised at some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions about them. Here are some of the most common sold sore FAQ.

What is a Cold Sore?.... Often referred to as a fever blister, a cold sore is a blister or group of blisters that appear on or around the lips. The blister(s) will be small and filled with fluid. Over time they will ooze and crust over before going away.

What does a Cold Sore Look Like?.... A cold sore looks like a pimple or blister. They will appear on the affected area of skin as one blister or a group of blisters.

What are the Symptoms?.... The symptoms of a cold sore normally appear on or around the lips. They can also appear on or inside the nose, cheek or chin. The affected area of skin will tingle, burn, or even itch a couple days before the blister(s) appear. Then as the fluid filled blister(s) dry up, they crust over. With mild symptoms, a cold sore can be mistaken for chapped lips or pimples. In severe cases they can be very painful. When the symptoms go away the virus that causes them lies dormant until triggered again.

What Causes Cold Sores?.... A cold sore is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. Better known as HSV-1. Once you are exposed to this virus, a cold sore will appear within about 3 weeks. The good news is once you have the initial outbreak, the future ones are often less severe.

How Long Does a Cold Sore Last?.... The duration from start to finish is around 10 days.

How to You Get HSV-1?.... The herpes simplex virus type 1 is easily passed between humans. You can be exposed by sharing utensils with another person or kissing another person (through saliva). Once contracting this virus that causes cold sores, you will always have it.

There are many over the counter products available to treat the symptoms of a cold sore. Did you know there are probably some natural products already in your home that can prevent outbreaks altogether?

Do you know what triggers cold sore outbreaks? There were some simple steps you can take to shorten the duration of a cold sore. See some of the natural remedies you can use to prevent outbreaks here, Cold Sore FAQ

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How To Know If I Have A Cold Sore

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cold Sore Treatments That Are Cheap and Effective!

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Cold sore treatments can be cheap and effective when prepared from home. We call them home remedies for cold sores or natural cold sore treatments. Whatever it is, they can be concocted using simple food ingredients or household products which are readily available at the supermarket. Here are some cold sore treatments to treat your cold sores.

1. Cold Sore Diet

Our diet can be modified to treat cold sores.

a. Arginine Reduction

Herpes simplex virus depends on arginine, an amino acid to grow and proliferate. So we can avoid salty and acidic foods that are rich in arginine such as chocolate, seeds, oatmeal, nuts, almonds, whole grains and peas.

b. Lysine Intake

Lysine inhibits the development and growth of herpes simplex virus. It is an essential amino acid that aids the production of antibodies and can be found in foods like red meat, cheese, soya products, milk, eggs, wheat germ, legumes, vegetables, chicken, fish and brewers yeast.

c. Caffeine Reduction

Cut back on beverages like coffee and tea. These drinks are bad for our skin on the whole.

d. Vitamins Intake

Vitamins and minerals are effective in reducing the cold sore duration; prevent recurrences and enhancing our immunity against viruses. Remember to have daily intake of Vitamin A, B complex, C and E, iron and zinc.

e. Vegetables and Fruits

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, garlic and cabbage.

2. Application of Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)

Lemon balm is antiviral in nature and is extremely effective against cold sores.

3. Application of Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)

Similar to lemon balm, application of peppermint on the affected area is a good cold sore treatment.

4. Application of Tea Bag

Applying a wet tea bag over the sores is yet another excellent cold sore treatment. Tea contains tannic acid, an antiviral agent.

5. Application of Resveratol

Red grapes contain resveratol which is able to suppress the herpes simplex virus. Crush them into a paste and rub it over the cold sores.

6. Application of Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has also been used as a cold sore treatment at home. It is used as a topical medication over the affected sores.

7. Application of Aloe Vera Gel or Oil

Applying aloe vera gel or oil on the cold sore helps to keep the cold sores from spreading. Repeat this at least 3 times a day. It would also offer some pain and itch relief.

8. Application of Ice

This is one of the oldest natural cold sore treatments. You probably have used it on your cold sores before. It not only slows down the cold sore development, but also alleviates the pain and itchiness.

These are some of most widely used cold sore treatments. Find more effective and natural cold sore treatments at my blog that would help you treat your cold sores quickly.

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Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Learn more about effective cold sore treatments and how you can cure cold sores naturally and easily from home in 3 days at

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Treating a Cold Sore? Follow These Cold Sore Tips

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Treating a Cold Sore is so important, when they are on your face it feels like everyone is looking at it, and not you. So, what can you do? ... Get rid of it hopefully!

But how?

Follow These Tips:

1. Eat foods high in lysine, such as cheese. Lysine can reduce how long the cold sore will last. It can also reduce how often you get outbreaks, be aware though that studies are still pending for this. But eating your dairy products is good for you anyways, so it won't hurt you.

2. Do not pick at it. Don't itch it. This can cause the sore to spread and then last longer. Some people find that just applying pressure when it is uncomfortable helps suppress the itchy symptoms.

3. Apply ice, it will make the cold sore either not appear or it will appear but smaller. Apply it a few times a day when you first feel it coming on. Later you can apply a hot cloth to it, to reduce the pain.

4. Apply Castor Oil, it is proven to have properties that are anti-viral, and works well on herpes skin conditions. (In case you did not know, cold sores are a form of herpes, not the same strain as genital herpes, but a form, another common form is chicken pox.)

5. Saint John's Wort Oil- This essential oil works on the nervous system, so when it is applied to your skin it sinks right in and starts working away.

6. If you apply Witch Hazel Oil to the place where you feel the cold sore coming on, it will stop it dead in its tracks. It keeps it from spreading and there will be less pain.

7. Disinfect your toothbrush, while you have the sore use peroxide to disinfect and then replace your toothbrush when the sore is gone, you would not want to have a repeat cold sore would you?

8. Take a multivitamin that includes, vitamin C, zinc, iron, vitamins A and B complex. Lysine can also be supplemented.

9. Use a warm tea bag on the area of the cold sore to let the herbs soak into your skin, it will help the pain, and length of the sore.

10. You can also use aloe or a cornstarch paste of cornstarch and water. Both have healing powers to help clear up your sores.

Of course not everyone will have the same reactions to the above home remedies. Some will work for everyone, for others maybe none of them work. But you can learn how to Permanently get rid of cold sores and fever blisters on Curing Cold Sores

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

10 Natural Remedies for Cold Sores You Can Try Out Today

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Many natural remedies are readily available for cold sores. There have been many cases where they have been extremely effective in not only treating the symptoms but also the length and severity of the cold sore outbreak. However, one very important caveat ? before starting to use one of these natural remedies it is absolutely vital that you discuss this first with your doctor. If you are currently taking prescriptive medicine, there may be a conflict which could exacerbate the problem. Please check with your doctor first!

Now having said that, do not be surprised if he or she is 100% behind your decision to try a natural alternative ? indeed many doctors will advise their patients to try them as a first course of action before that has even occurred to the unfortunate sufferer themselves. With the massive expansion of the internet over the last few years, there is a huge amount of information exchange going on that just wasn?t there before.

In fact data studies have been made which conclude that natural remedies can cut the time period of suffering cold sores by an amazing 79%. Not only that, they can also avert the likelihood of further outbreaks in the future. The natural remedies keep the virus indefinitely inactive rather than killing it off outright. So, having established that there is no shortage of successful home remedies that will rapidly assist you in curing your cold sore outbreak, let?s list just 10 of them.

1) Tea Bags applied directly to the sore
2) Reishi mushrooms in supplement or powder form
3) Resveratrol cream (a natural compound from red grapes)
4) Astragalus ? a popular herbal tonic originating from Chinese medicine
5) Lemon Balm cream
6) Wakame - a type of seaweed popular in Japan
7) Echinacea ? or purple coneflower common to North America
8) Rhubarb and Sage cream
9) Bee Propolis ? as the name suggests it is collected by bees
10) Lysine in supplement form (an essential amino acid)

You should be able to find most of the above from any good health food store. The above list is by no means conclusive, and results will vary from person to person. Some will work better than others, some may have no effect at all. However, various studies have shown significant success with them, hence their inclusion here.

Also potential new herbal remedies are being constantly tested so it is always worthwhile to keep up with the latest developments.

Did you know you could be home free from cold sores in just 3 days from now? Click on Robert?s site Cold Sore Free to see what you?ve been missing!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cold Sore Freedom - Discover the Best Cold Sore Cure

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Suffering from cold sore? You are not alone; 50-80% of Americans are affected by cold sore. Cold sore is a highly contagious skin disease or blisters commonly appear on the lips area and nose caused by the virus HSV-1 or Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1. There are rare cases that it appears inside the mouth, chin and fingers. Discomforts like itching and burning sensation are brought by this virus and you should find the best cold sore cure to end your sufferings.

Once infected by this virus it resides in the nerve cells of the skin and if triggered it will recur on the same spot .Too much exposure to the sun, cold, flu, stress and menstruation are some of the triggers of cold sore. Before it could get chronic you need to find the cold sore cure that will work for you.

If you have cold sore, your social life is greatly affected since it commonly appears on the face specifically around the mouth area and physical appearance is awfully affected. What if you experienced cold sore outbreak on special occasions of your life, like your wedding or other important events? Imagine the discomfort and embarrassment you would feel. Even on your daily life, it?s hard to deal with skin disease residing on your face.

Common cold sore cure or treatment is over the counter creams. Although it doesn?t guarantee permanent cure, it gives comfort and temporary relief.

Cold and hot treatment as cold sore cure is effective to some people. This is simply applying a hot or cold compress on the blistered area to relieve the pains.

Some people let it heal by itself since cold sore usually last up to 10 days or worst a few weeks but the fact still exists that recurrence is highly possible and you should look for a permanent cold sore cure to end all your predicaments.

Most people applied the above mentioned cold sore cure just to treat the symptoms but the virus is still there waiting for the conditions to be right for the next flare up. Did you know that you can stop cold sores permanently at the root cause of the problem instead of just masking the symptoms?

Do you want to find the best cold sore cure and end your cold sore permanently on the shortest possible time? Look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem 150% by curing your cold sores in 3 days visit Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days at Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Cold Sore Freedom: Discover the Best Cold Sore Cure. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author?s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Lip Cold Sore

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Cold Sore Remedies - How to Relieve a Cold Sore

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You wake up one morning with tingling sensation on your lips and when you look at the mirror, it?s confirmed, another cold sore outbreak to irritate you for a few days or worst few weeks. This means that you will try your best to be out of the circulation or avoid socializing for a few weeks due to this cold sore outbreak, unless you know a quick and easy way to relieve a cold sore.

Cold sores are blisters that commonly appear on the external edges of the mouth, on the lips and nose caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1). These are painful blisters that may last a few days or weeks and highly contagious. If the cold sore is not bothersome, some people let the virus takes its course and leave the cold sore alone to heal on its own. Unfortunately, most of the time cold sore is annoying due to its ugly appearance, pains and discomforts. These are the reasons why sufferers tend to find ways to relieve a cold sore.

Here are some ways to relieve a cold sore:

  • Aloe vera plant helps relieve a cold sore. Known for its healing properties on skin diseases, aloe vera plant is an alternative remedy for herpes simplex viruses or commonly known as cold sore. It helps in wound healing. Application of aloe vera balm 3x a day on the affected area will help relieve a cold sore.
  • Vitamin supplements. Taking Vitamin C at first sign of outbreak helps relieve a cold sore. Direct application of Vitamin E on the sore area relieves a cold sore pain.
  • Eat a well balanced and healthy diet. Avoid processed foods, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Eat foods with high lysine levels like vegetables, fish and chicken.
  • OTC or over the counter medicines and creams. Although there are side effects, over the counter medicines can help ease the pains and temporarily relieve a cold sore.
  • Some find it effective to use a warm tea bag on the affected area to help relieve a cold sore. Put the warm tea bag on your cold sore for 30 minutes, tannic acid of the tea has antivirus properties to help relieve a cold sore.
Although you can relieve a cold sore, it is best to find the best permanent treatment for cold sore. Cold sore is not only contagious but it also has high tendencies to come back or recur on the same spot. It is important to stop cold sore at the root of the problem, instead of just masking the symptoms.

Did you know that you can totally eliminate your cold sores in 3 days? Plus, you will never have to worry about having serious cold sore problem again. Face the world in 3days with the freedom to feel great about yourself and your appearance visit Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days at Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Cold Sore Remedies: How to Relieve a Cold Sore. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author?s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cold Sore Care - How to Lessen Cold Sore Swelling Quickly

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Cold sores or fever blisters can be annoying, not to mention unsightly. Such sores are the products of the herpes simplex virus. They will begin as red dots, then start puffing out, all itchy and tingling and cold sore swelling will take place. As the blister gathers moisture and water, it gets larger, and even more embarrassingly conspicuous. Cold sores actually come from any contact of the herpes simplex virus with your mouth, perhaps early in your childhood. The virus picked out a host cell and moved into it. The cell, perhaps a nerve, then suffered to become the puppet of the virus, as the viral DNA gave orders to the host to produce more of the herpes simplex virus.

As cold sore swelling takes place, the numbers grow, the virus multiplies, and the cold sores replicate. Such cold sores can turn up wherever they wish in your body, wherever their host cells lead them. If you have ever been disturbed and aggravated by a cold sore, you know how irritating cold sore swelling can be, and how ashamed you can feel whenever cold sores suddenly choose to wreak havoc. You might also have been tempted to prick it or pop it. Such methods, however, are dangerous, and can lead to cold sore swelling and more infections.

Here are a few methods you can use to lower cold sore swelling and have it disappear quickly. For more tips, consult with your doctor and find ways by which you can prevent even more cold sores from bugging you in the future.

- Because cold sores like moisture and dirt and need more water and bacteria to keep swelling, they can fade away if they are kept dry and clean. Wash the area around the cold sore regularly and pat it dry to lessen cold sore swelling.

- Buy a new toothbrush to prevent cold sore swelling and recurrence. Toothbrushes can incubate such cold sore-causing viruses for days at a time, so you can be infected once again after your last cold sore heals. Studies have shown that patients with cold sores were less likely to get them again if they replaced their toothbrushes after they discovered that they had a cold sore, and then after the cold sore healed.

Not only do toothbrushes make good homes for the cold sore-causing virus, so do toothpaste tubes. As you stick the bristles of your toothbrush against the toothpaste tube opening, you transfer the herpes simplex virus onto the toothpaste tube, where the virus can incubate for quite a while. To prevent this from happening, you can buy smaller toothpaste tubes, or avoid sticking your toothbrush bristles against the opening of the toothpaste tube.

- Herpes simplex thrives in moist conditions, so if you keep your toothbrush exposed in your bathroom, chances are you will get cold sores again and again and cold sore swelling will not be healed. Take your toothbrush out of the bathroom, and wash it before and after you use it.

- Shield the sore with petroleum jelly to avoid cold sore swelling. Use a cotton swab to apply the petroleum jelly onto the cold sore, and throw the swab away immediately.

- According to research, zinc can heal cold sore swelling quickly. Ask for tubes of zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate at your local pharmacy or health food store the minute you feel the familiar tingling of a cold sore.

- Some studies also show that the amino acid lysine can help heal cold sore swelling quickly. Supplement your diet with as much as three thousand additional milligrams of lysine by drinking supplements, or eating potatoes or dairy products to heal cold sore swelling. Be careful, however: lysine can interfere with infant development and growth, so if you are pregnant or nursing, you need to find other ways to treat your cold sores. If you can have the lysine-rich diet, however, stay away from arginine-rich foodstuffs such as sodas, peanuts, chocolates, grains, beer, and cashews. Herpes simplex relies on arginine to multiply.

Although you can lessen cold sore swelling and it naturally disappears after a few weeks, it is still best to find the best permanent treatment for cold sore. Cold sore is not only contagious but it also has high tendencies to come back on the same spot. It is important to stop cold sore at the root of the problem, instead of treating cold sore swelling or just masking the symptoms.

Did you know that you can totally eliminate your cold sores in 3 days? You will never have to worry about having serious cold sore swelling and recurrence problem again. Face the world in 3 days with the freedom to feel great about yourself and your appearance visit Cold Sore Freedom in 3 days at Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Cold Sore Care: How to Lessen Cold Sore Swelling Quickly. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author?s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Naturally

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Cold sores are painful, embarrassing and very frustrating. They have ruined big presentations, big date and nights out, they even ruined vacations, weddings and honeymoons. They always seem to pop up whenever your big day is near.

More and more frustrated cold sore sufferers are using home remedies to cure there cold sores leaving behind the expensive drugs and over the counter fad for three reasons. The side effects, the costs and the fact that most of these treatments are slow. Why, because it takes time for the body to absorb these drugs in order for them to start working.

Home remedies for cold sores are fast, safe and effective. So why won't your doctor tell you about them. Some will but most rely heavily on drugs to combat cold sores. These drugs and treatment are prescribed in large numbers and are very expensive. They keep the medical and pharmaceutical communities rolling. Now I'm not saying this is the only reason but it is a factor.

Cold sore home remedies focus primarily on attacking the cold sores naturally from the inside as well as out, instead of battling them from the surface like most products. By using a two-pronged approach to cure your cold sore you can have permanent results much faster.

It is important to note that it is a lot easier and faster to get rid of cold sores if you start treating it as soon as you detect one.Not allowing the virus to mature will save you a lot of time and pain.

One of the more popular home remedy for cold sores, mostly because of it simplicity, is ice. Apply ice for 5 to 10 minutes every hour on the affected area. This home remedy, however, is more effective if the cold sore has not yet penetrated the skin surface and is still in the tingling stage. But the ice will only be working on the outside and not the virus itself.

You can view more effective home remedies for cold sores at and learn how you can cure your cold sores in as little as 3 days.

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