Cure Cold Sore

Friday, November 30, 2007

Coldsore Remedies at Home

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They show up without warning and stay longer than they are welcome, although, of course, you wished that they had never showed up in the first place. No, we aren't talking about your in-laws, we are talking about coldsores. Coldsores are a problem that too many of us have to face. Sometimes it can be a long time between outbreaks but sure enough, just when we are least expecting it there they are again. So where do the coldsores come from in the first place and is there really such a thing as coldsore remedies that really work?

Cold sores are actually the product of the herpes simplex virus. Though not as dangerous as the better known herpes virus, the herpes simplex virus can cause a host of problems that you may not be aware of. The virus is transmitted through direct contact, usually of the lips or the genital area when an outbreak is noticeable. Though relatively unharmful to adults, when the virus is passed on to a child during birth it can cause death to the infant.

Coldsore remedies have been around for quite some time, some of them may bring some relief and others are just kind of silly. Sometimes it helps to eat the right foods, and although it doesn't remove the coldsores this coldsore remedy can actually reduce the duration of the outbreak. Eating things high in Lysine, such as cheese can be beneficial.

There are some all natural methods for cold sore healing that have been successful as well. By sticking to these programs not only can you remove the cold sores that are already out there but you can contribute toward not ever having another outbreak again.

It's time to cure the cause instead of just treating the symptom. If you are tired of dealing with embarrassing and uncomfortable cold sores then try using our natural method of cold sore reversal and healing, in as little as 3 days. Be cold sore free for life. Visit us online for our special report and some free tips at rel="nofollow" href="">

rel="nofollow" href="">Natural Cold Sore Treatment has helped many people to be cold sore free for life.

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Coldsores - Causes and Cures

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Coldsores are the outward symptom of a much deeper problem They are caused by the herpies simplex virus, or HSV. This virus is passed on from person to person by direct skin to skin contact, usually with the lips or contact through the genital areas. The virus can be passed on to others during an active outbreak as well as the period leading into an outbreak. This period is known as shedding. The disease is an inconvenience, although it is not too much of a health risk, generally speaking. The one real danger comes when a woman passes the virus on to her baby during birth. This has been known to cause death in the infant, although this is rare.

So now that you know what causes coldsores, what can be done about the ones that you already have? Well there are several products that are available at the drug store that can help to shorten the duration of the outbreak. They can also help to lessen the noticeable effect of the coldsore as well. There are, however, no known medical cures for the herpes simplex virus that causes these outbreaks, so if you are seeking a medical answer then I'm afraid that there is not one to be found.

There are, however, some natural curing methods that have had some great success. It only makes sense that there would be some kind of natural cure out there for something like coldsores. There are plenty of testimonials on these sites that let you know that the people that have used these products have seen some amazing results. So, as with any cure, I always look to the natural cure first, especially when the medical field is telling me that it's hopeless.

It's time to cure the cause instead of just treating the symptom. If you are tired of dealing with embarrassing and uncomfortable cold sores then try using our natural method of cold sore reversal and healing, in as little as 3 days. Be cold sore free for life. Visit us online for our special report and some free tips at

Natural Cold Sore Treatment has helped many people to be cold sore free for life.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Learning the Causes of Cold Sores and Finding a Cure

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If you have a cold sore then that is only the beginning of your problems. The fact that you have a coldsore is only an outward showing of a much deeper problem. Although they can be unsightly and uncomfortable, finding the causes of cold sores is actually more important that finding a way to lessen the blow. In fact, it's only by knowing what causes the cold sores in the first place that you can start to work on a more permanent solution.

The cold sores that show up on your body are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Although this virus is not as bad as the better known herpes virus, it does provide some difficulties of its own. The herpes simplex virus is a problem that can lie dormant for many years in your body before showing up in the form of a cold sore. The virus can be passed on from person to person by lip to lip contact as well as genital contact, but only when the sores are visible and the time leading up to that point (known as shedding)

According to medical science there is no cure for the herpes simplex virus, which means that, if you believe this, that once you have the virus there is no hope. Of course they do offer plenty of medicine to help you to deal with the virus and to lessen the effects of the cold sores, but they can't cure it. I personally think that is a bunch of hog wash. There are plenty of natural cures out there that have been proven to have worked, and you can read a lot of testimonials on those websites from people who have been healed from this "incurable" virus.

It's time to cure the cause instead of just treating the symptom. If you are tired of dealing with embarrassing and uncomfortable cold sores then try using our natural method of cold sore reversal and healing, in as little as 3 days. Be cold sore free for life. Visit us online for our special report and some free tips at

Natural Cold Sore Treatment has helped many people to be cold sore free for life.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cold Sores and Herpes Simplex Diagnosis

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Herpes Simplex virus comes from the Herpes Virus Family, called Herpesviridae of which two basic strains, notably HSV-1 & HSV-2 causes the infection. These are also known as Human Herpes Virus-1 and Human Herpes Virus ? 2 (HHV-1 & HHV-2). The infections are characterized by painful blisters filled with translucent fluids that appear on the skin or mucous membranes like the mouth or lips or on the genitals. There is nothing simple either about the HSV-1 or HSV-2 excepting that they prefer to become lifelong partners of the host on whose nerve cells they are permanently engrossed. From the outside, these blisters resemble those seen in chickenpox, the handiwork of another subfamily, VZV known as Herpes Virus-3 or HHV-3.

The infection may start with kissing (direct contact with lips) or through sexual intercourse (genital contact) when HSV sores are present or immediately before they appear, i.e. the Shedding stage. However, after the initial or primary stage of the infection, the virus goes into hibernation, remaining dormant within the cell bodies of nerves, innervating the area of original outbreak. After sometime the reactivation starts, when the virus is transported outwardly through the cell?s axon to the skin. And that?s when the blisters are seen. Though the infection is not fatal to adults, but yet if they are present during childbirth may lead to severe complications and even the sad death of the infant.

The primary symptoms of herpes simplex is burning, tingling or itching sensations near the edges of the lips or nose. This is known as the Prodromal stage. Thereafter, small, reddened spots develop in the irritated areas. And then comes the chickenpox-like blisters that are filled with fluid that often rupture, releasing a sticky serum-like fluid that rapidly crusts.

The strapping tendency of the virus to remain dormant within the nerve cells for indefinite periods gives it the characteristics of chronic nature. To begin with, none of the known antibiotics have any effect on viruses that come and go on their own and secondly, it becomes extremely difficult to dislodge them from the nerve cells where they are permanently lodged. However, the initial outbreaks after the exposure to HSV are more severe, compared to later episodes, since by then the body gets a chance to produce its own antibodies. Beware! The first outbreak often carries the risk of developing meningitis.

When an HSV infection appears on the lips in the form of a blister or sore, it is commonly called a ?cold sore? or ?fever blister?. However, it should never be mixed up with ?canker sore? because canker sores are not caused by the HSV virus.

Yes, it is. Especially when the carrier is producing and/or releasing, i.e. ?shedding? during an outbreak. Besides, like contact dermatisis, the disease can spread by physical contact during outbreaks. The normal human tendency of touching a cold sore and repeating the procedure on other spots on the face or neck may trigger further outbreaks. Touching an eye after the finger is wet with the fluid coming out of an open sore is extremely dangerous as it may affect the cornea and may cause blindness.

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about cold sores, herpes treatment and other common conditions for

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Friday, November 23, 2007

How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore - 5 Natural Remedies

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Have you also had cold sores? You want to know how to get rid of a cold sore, because there is no cure, as we all know... Just remedies untill the next break out. I have tested out 5 different products, so here is my take on them and how they might be useful to you. Note I am not a doctor, but some of these might help you ask the right questions to the right people.

1- Natrum muriaticum.
This is also known as Nat mur. I would recommend it if you have cold sores in the early stages. The early stages being before any white liquid starts to show. I found it caused me to have chapped lips, but was very very good. Although it was not a really fast remedy.

2- Sepia.
This is Cuttlefish ink. It worked ok, nothing exceptional, but I've read some places it is good for pregnant women or people that are depressed. Try it out, you never know it might be good for you...

3- Rhus toxicodendron.
This is what you would call poison ivy. I know! I know! Why would I put poison Ivy on my face? Well good question! It was proposed to me, and it was very painful. I did not like it at all. Although it is recommended to "finish off" a cold sore. I just wanted to talk about it since it seems to have worked with some people.

4- Hepar sulphuris calcareum.
This is also called calcium sulphide. It helped also as much as the Natrum muriaticum. I liked this one too. I think this type of treatment is for bad infections, it even supposedly helps to prevent having to take antibiotics.

5- Dulcamara.
I tride this and found it pretty useless... I finished by taking the Natrum Muriaticum. I am guessing it was probably not for my type of cold sore... It seems it might be used for bad cases, where scracthing causes bleeding or women in menses or even for cold sores appearing when the temperature is humid (when comes rain and such).

All in all, homeopathic treatments worked sometimes, but not as fast as I would like. I wanted to know how to get rid of a cold sore FAST, but finally only found out how to get rid of a cold sore period.

I myself have cold sores and have been trying to find out How to get rid of a cold sore. I have also been treating them naturally for a while now.

Click here for some more natural remedies that are on my blog.

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Cold Sore Prevention - Steps To Understand And Minimize Outbreaks

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Do you suffer from painful cold sore outbreaks? For many of us, the answer is yes! Because they are caused by a virus, once you experience one, future outbreaks are inevitable. So what can I do to cure this virus? The truth is, there are no miracle cures! The good news is, learning to understand cold sores can help you minimize cold sore outbreaks. This article will shed light on how you got the virus, and steps you can take for preventing cold sores.

A cold sore is nothing more than an oral form of herpes. They are blisters that normally show up on or around the lips. Some people even get them inside their mouth! Cold sores are sometimes very painful, and generally have a duration of 7 to 10 days. The virus that causes them is called herpes simplex virus (type 1). Once exposed to this virus, it lies dormant in nerve cells behind your ears. It then rears it's ugly head from time to time. Most of us get HSV-1 by kissing or sharing eating utensils with an infected person. Of all the people who have HSV-1, only about one-third will go on to develop cold sores.

So now that I have the virus, How do I prevent or minimize cold sore outbreaks? Understanding cold sores leads to better prevention. Here are some things you can do:

Start by focusing on your immune system. If your immune system gets worn down, outbreaks can become more frequent. So how go I strengthen my immune system? Your diet, it is very important that you have good nutrition going in your body. If you have a weak immune system, consider taking supplements to boost it.

Another trigger for cold sores is stress. Try to avoid stress in your life. I know that's a hard one! But minimize stress as much as you can.

Get proper rest. Your body needs rest to recover. Poor nutrition, stress, and lack of sleep will wear down your immune system.

Exposure to sunlight. For some people, the UV rays from the sun trigger cold sore outbreaks. If your going to be out in the sun, use a lip moisturizer with a sunblock in it.

Cold sore prevention, and minimizing cold sore outbreaks is quite possible. Sure the virus won't go away, but understanding cold sores and taking care of your immune system will go a long way!

I hope you find this information helpful. Cold Sores can be very embarrassing! If you have further questions about cold sores, and would like to know more, see here:

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How Do You Catch A Cold Sore

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Monday, November 19, 2007

The Secret to Naturally Curing Your Cold Sores

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There are many natural cold sore remedies out there. Natural remedies are better than any type of drug or product you can buy. Homeopathic remedies are also much cheaper. Cold sores, also called oral herpes, are blisters that usually occur on the gums,roof of the mouth, or the lips. Cold sores clear in 7 to 10 days. Cold sores are caused by what is called the herpes simplex virus. They are very contagious and are spread through contact with saliva. There are several home remedies that will be very valuable to cold sore victims.

Lemon balm has been known to have strong anti-viral property. In a recent study, patients blisters went away 5 days quicker than patients that didn?t use lemon balm. Another good homeopathic remedy is peppermint oil. Studies done found that peppermint essential oil was found to enter the skin and have a strong virucidal effect on the virus. It was also found to have a strong effect against certain strains of the virus that have been known to be stronger than other strains. Rhubarb and sage cream has also been found to have powerful effects over cold sores. It has also been found to be one of the most powerful creams out on the market.

Another natural cure is a compound known as ?Resveratrol?. This compound is naturally found in red grapes, and has shown to be especially powerful against cold sores. A study by Northeastern Ohio University showed that resvertrol cream when applied to the infected area would completely stop cold sore development.

Hopefully this list of homeopathic cures to cold sores will be helpful. Other recommendations would be to go see your dermatologist about your cold sores. Some anti-bacterial treatment has been found to be very helpful. Whatever you do, don?t wait. Be proactive about your condition, and get back on track to being free of cold sores.

If your tired of having nasty, ugly, uncomfortable cold sores, look into my site
for more ideas on cures, and products that I have approved that work. Get back on track now, and start living life again cold sore free. Control your cold sores, dont let your cold sores control you!

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What Are The Symptoms Of Cold Sores?

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Cold sores are certainly nothing unusual, eight out of ten people show signs of the virus Herpes Simplex, which is the cause of cold sores. The World Health Organization has estimated that 89% of the world?s population are potentially affected, with between 20% and 40% of those going on to develop the symptoms associated with cold sores.

Herpes Simplex symptoms usually develop between 2 and 20 days following contact with the virus, although sometimes it can take longer. There are cases, particularly in women, where the newly infected person may remain asymptomatic (i.e. the condition is present but there are no symptoms) ? however that person could still be a carrier of the virus and could potentially infect others. The Herpes Simplex virus is very contagious, especially soon after contraction and the initial symptoms are just starting to show themselves.

Cold sores first appear on the lips and are painful blisters filled with fluid. Soon after, they break, the fluid seeps out and the cold sore then crusts over before the healing process begins. One of the first signs that a cold sore is going to materialize is an itchy or tingling sensation known as the ?prodrome?.

Apart from cold sores, there are several other symptoms of the Herpes Simples Virus which include cuts and abrasions that heal without leaving a scar. To that we can add areas of blisters in clusters around the body and some skin irritations. However, since these symptoms only occur once, the good news is that the same suffering won?t have to be endured whenever the cold sores re-appear.

On the other hand outbreaks of flu-like symptoms may also occur, although not usually more than four or five times a year. Unfortunately it is normal for the cold sore virus itself to recur. It can be triggered by periods of stress, illness and too much exposure to sunlight or sun beds so it is important to be aware of this.

In general though cold sores rarely last more than two weeks. However, during this time it is vital that certain ground rules are observed. Since they are very contagious, and often passed on from parent to child by kissing, the best advice is to refrain from kissing when cold sores first appear.

Importantly, take great care not to infect the eyes with the cold sore virus. The eyes must never be rubbed after the cold sore has been touched. There have been extreme cases where rubbing the eyes has led to blindness. Therefore it is also vital to keep the hands spotlessly clean and sanitary. An opportunity to wash the hands shouldn?t be missed. Rubbing alcohol is far more effective than just soap and water. Not only will this avoid the risk of infection to others but it will also stop the cold sore further infecting other parts of the body.

Finally, however much the temptation, it is vital, even with clean hands, to avoid scratching the infected area. One proven method of alleviating any itching, is to take some cloth, put ice inside it, and very gently try placing it on the sore.

Robert owns Cold-Sore-Free, a web site full of tips for sufferers to deal with, and overcome Cold Sores. For more free information go to Cold Sore Free

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why You Need To Know About Stress And Cold Sores

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In this article I want to write about the role stress plays in triggering cold sores, and why it is important we manage our stress levels if we are susceptible to this virus. Why are some people prone to cold sores and others are not? All of us are carrying this virus, so the question is what wakens the dormant virus from its slumber?

Your overall well-being is certainly a factor, as is the kind of nutrition you are getting. But let?s take a particular look at the negative role physical and emotional stress can play here.

Cold sores often appear during illnesses particularly viral illnesses, pregnancy or even after a visit to the dentist to have a tooth extracted. All these are stressful events in their own right. Should you find yourself at risk of getting a cold sore, the best thing you can do to prevent this is to keep your levels of stress down as much as you can.

By this I mean both physical and mental stress, because mental stress also has physical effects. Stress has been labeled as the primary reason of outbreaks of cold sores. The virus actually lives in the nervous system cells, which makes it extremely sensitive to any changes in stress levels.

The dormant virus becomes active and awake through physical or emotional stress. It travels through to the body?s surface via the nerves. On reaching the surface it enters the cells, forcing them to replicate the viruses. The ugly cold sores are the end result of this process of thousands of cells having duplicated themselves in a small area on the body.

Obviously it is just about impossible to have no stress at all in your life, but if you can keep yourself generally healthy it follows that you will be to cope better with the physical side of stress. Apart from the stress caused by illnesses, even stressful events such as weddings, funerals, arguments with spouses or colleagues can trigger cold sores. This is particularly the case for those people who generally handle stress badly.

The virus is extremely sensitive to stress changes precisely because it lives in the nervous system. So it?s like a vicious circle, the various stress factors cause the immune system to deteriorate, which makes it harder for the body to fight back.

If you start feeling unwell make sure you get a lot of rest and avoid going outside in bright sunlight unless you use lip balm with a sun block. It is crucial to avoid stress as much as you can. Keep it to a minimum to help your immune system stay strong to fight the cold sore virus.

Robert owns Cold-Sore-Free, a web site full of tips for sufferers to deal with, and overcome Cold Sores. For more free information go to Cold Sore Free

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

What You Didn't Know About Cold Sore Cures

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Cold sores, also known as fever blisters are tiny red blisters around the lips and mouth. They often leak out a clear liquid, then form into scabs several days later. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, which stays dormant in your body, and only becomes active when something triggers it, such as the sun, or after having a cold. Some other examples of this are fevers, stress, menstruation, or maybe there is not even a cause at all.

Medical research has shown that patients with cold sores are low in vitamin B12, and by taking supplemental vitamins, their condition improved quite quickly. The research concluded that it is productive to take a vitamin B supplement, and to make sure it contained B12 and folic acid. Without the use of treatments your cold sores can last from 10-14 days. If your sores last longer or are very frequent, see your health care provider.

Your diet also plays a big part in dealing with cold sores. Research has found that the ratio of the amino acids arginine and lysine plays a big role in controlling cold sores. Arginine helps the reproduction of the herpes virus, however lysine keeps it out. Eating, nuts, chocolate, peas, seeds, oatmeal, grains, and whole-wheat products should taken out, or reduced in order to keep your cold sores in check.These foods are high in arginine. Coffee is also known to worsen your cold sores when you are already infected with the virus. Cold sores have also been known to show a deficit in calcium. If you bite your nails, this could mean your calcium deficient. Take a calcium supplement and see if your cold sores improve.

Cold sores can be a pain, but when using the proper treatment, you can keep those cold sores at check. Changing your diet, and way of life can substantially help, as well as taking vitamin supplements that are high in B12.

If your tired of having nasty, ugly, uncomfortable cold sores, look into my site for more ideas on cures, and products that I have approved that work. Get back on track now, and start living life again cold sore free. Control your cold sores, dont let your cold sores control you!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How To Treat Cold Sore

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All Natural Cold Sore Remedies You Probably Didn't Know About!

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Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and are highly contagious. Cold sores are a pain, literally. If your reading this article and have cold sores your probably thinking ?Why me?!? But today is your lucky day. I will tell you about some great remedies that can help keep your cold sores in check.

The cold sore virus lays dormant in the body, and comes out when the virus is triggered. Several conditions trigger this. One cause is stress. Learn to relax, or else your cold sores will continue to be consistent. I know, having cold sores themselves cause stress, but if you learn to relax your outbreaks will lessen. Another cause is the sun itself. When going out into the sun, make sure you use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher on your lips. A good way to prevent cold sores is to keep up a strong immune system, you can do this just by staying healthy in general, exercise and proper vitamins can help keep your immune system up, and your cold sores away.

Some good supplements are Vitamin C. Take 200-500 mg of vitamin C, along with 200-500 mg of citrus bioflavonoids. If you take this three times a day, the duration of your cold sores will be reduced greatly.

Vitamin E, when applied topically will provide relief of the pain that is caused by your cold sores.

Yogurt-Believe it or not, yogurt with live cultures has been known to completely stop cold sore outbreaks, however heat-treated yogurt will not work. Yogurt stimulates the immune system.

Zinc-Applying zinc topically can reduce cold sore durations.

Don't let cold sores ruin your life.Get proactive and do whats best for yourself. These are just a few treatments that you should try out, and more cold sore cures will be published by me soon, so check back soon!

If your tired of having nasty, ugly, uncomfortable cold sores, look into my site for more ideas on cures, and products that I have approved that work. Get back on track now, and start living life again cold sore free. Control your cold sores, dont let your cold sores control you!

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Great Natural Folk Remedys For Curing Cold Sores

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There are many all natural cold sore remedies out there. If you are plagued by cold sores, and nothing is working for you, natural remedies can be a lot safer than antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics can cause horrible symptoms such as headache; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a long use of it will even cause drug-resistant strains of the herpes simplex virus!

The following is a list of some great natural remedies for cold sores.

Acidophilus Take four acidophilus capsules three or four times a day with milk. The milk helps raise the immune system.This will help ease your pain, and speed up the healing process.. If you do this when you feel a cold sore coming on, you may even prevent the blister from forming.

Aloe If you feel a cold sore coming on, rub the juice of aloe on it. If you travel a lot, make sure to bring a bottle of aloe gel with you as a precaution, in case a sore begins. Taking aloe not only is a precautionary measure, but also works with pre-existing cold sores. Once the aloe is applied, the healing process begins.

Chaparral- Native Americans once used the herb chaparral (Larrea tridentata) as a cure for viruses and colds, arthritis, burns, sores and many other problems. A company has recently patented a product called Larreastat derived from chaparral that is very effective in stopping certain viruses, Stopping inflammation, and clearing up skin ailments. The product comes in capsules and a spray, and provides quick relief from cold sore inflammation.

Cornstarch Apply this to the body as a paste

DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) Use a cotton ball to Dab this on your sores twice daily. It stops the virus growth going straight to the center of the sore.

Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) - mix this with aloe or olive oil, and use a cottonball to put it on to the sore. GSE is very strong, so try not to use too much.

Ice When you feel a cold sore coming on, applying ice to the spot can stop it from forming. Apply ice every ten minutes for an hour. This cuts off the nerve of the skin and prevents cold sores from forming.

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) Studies indicate that using an extract of lemon balm speed the healing process and reduce the symptoms of cold sores.

Lomatium (Lomatium dissectum) has been used by the Native Americans and is very powerful. Research has found that it may be effective against viruses and is strong infection fighter. Make sure you use an extract instead of a tincture to avoid getting a full-body rash.

Hopefully these remedies will help aid you in curing your cold sores. The best way to fight your cold sores is to get proactive, and get back on track to being a healthy and happy person.

If your tired of having nasty, ugly, uncomfortable cold sores, look into my site for more ideas on cures, and products that I have approved that work. Get back on track now, and start living life again cold sore free. Control your cold sores, dont let your cold sores control you!

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cold Sores: 7 Tips To Fight The Beast

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Do you have a cold sore today? Would you know if you did? The cold sore, sometimes referred to as a fever blister, is a tiny but painful blister that occurs on the face -- usually in the region of the mouth, lips, and nose.

When a cold sore first appears, it is a tiny pimple-like skin infection. It gradually develops into larger blister-like sore, filled with fluid and very painful.

When the blister ruptures, the appearance of the cold sore becomes more yellow and dry -- like a crusted-over wound. Cold sores tend to appear in conjunction with colds or fever. They can be spread from one individual to another by means of direct skin-to-skin contact.

Cold sores tend to accompany the common cold, and other communicable diseases. These are the sort of infections that give you a fever. Another symptom associated with the cold sore is swollen lymph nodes of the neck. Other viruses trigger the cold sore virus to re-awaken from its hiding places deep in your body.

Cold sores can last anywhere from one week to several weeks, depending on the other infections within your body. The cause of the cold sore is the herpes simplex virus, the same virus that causes genital herpes, and zoster or shingles. This virus is highly communicable and is dangerous in small children.

Here are a few tips on fighting a painful cold sore:

1. Get plenty of rest. Your body needs time to fight the infections. If you don?t, your cold sore could get worse and become a more serious infection.

2. Maintain a proper diet. Eat fresh vegetables and drink plenty of orange juice. Vegetables and fresh orange juice are rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen your body?s immune system. Soup is good if your cold sore is making it difficult for you to eat. You need plenty of food for your body to fight off the infection. Soup is easier to eat and swallow than other kinds of foods, so it helps you get the nutrition you need.

3. Eat garlic. Were you aware that garlic is an excellent antibiotic? It enhances your body?s immune system, thus protecting you from harmful viruses and bacteria. You can add crushed garlic to soup or tea, but be aware that raw garlic is more effective than cooked garlic. If the smell of garlic bothers you, you can try taking garlic tablets, available at your local drugstore.

4. Make a drink from ginger, lemon juice, and honey. These are well known sources of the phytochemicals that make up antioxidants and vitamin C. The positive effects of these on the immune system is well documented.

5. Take echinacea. It is somewhat effective in treating cold sores. It is very popular for this as it removes the negative effects that the cold sore has on your body. It is also helpful in treating strep throat, colds, and even cuts and wounds.

6. Always wear clothing appropriate to the weather. While cold weather can?t give you a cold, it can weaken your immune system, making you vulnerable to viruses you come across.

7. Stay away from sweets. Foods like cake, chocolate, and candy can cause coughing. Drug use, smoking, and coffee are also known to damage the immune system.

As soon as you notice that you have a cold sore, immediately take steps (like the ones mentioned here) to get rid of it. Don?t wait for it to get worse. And keep in mind that a healthy body is not just dependant on the foods you eat -- you must also get rid of unhealthy habits and get plenty of exercise.
Linda Brown is an author for several online magazines, on health plan and heart health topics.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to Get Rid of Cold Sores

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Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, which is believed to lie in our nerve cells of our body until it is triggered by stress, anxiety, a cold or excessive exposure to the sun. They can last anywhere from 7 to 14 days.

Herpes is a virus that will remain in the body for life. Even though the cold sore will be healed, the virus will just withdraw back into the nerve cells.

Attempting to cover a cold sore with makeup will just worsen the problem. Even though you can?t do much about the way a cold sore looks, you can do a few things to help minimize the unpleasant feeling, and hopefully stop it from coming back, and most importantly prevent passing on your cold sore to others.Make sure you avoid touching the cold sore. If you do, wash your hands immediately. It?s also very important not to touch your eyes if you have a cold sore, because the virus may spread and extreme cases could lead to blindness.

You should also try and drink lots of water or fruit juice. If it is too painful to brush your teeth, try chlorhexidene mouthwash it should help. To help avoid getting cold sores try these tips:

? Don?t kiss anyone with a cold sore and do not share towels, cups and cutlery.

? People with cold sores should be particularly careful around newborn babies.

? Avoid over exposure to sunlight and cold winds, and wear lip barrier that contain sunscreen.

Prevention is better than remedy however; if you do start to feel the tingling or tickling feeling, usually the first sensation of a cold sore, get to it straight away before it worsens. The one thing that the medications have in common is that treatment must be applied at the very first sign, even before it?s visible.

If you are too late however, then try these home remedies that you will have around your house right now;

Tea bags: An effective remedy is to put a tea bag to the affected area. The tannic acid in the tea will act against the virus and stop the cold sore from getting any worse. Another method is to apply a warm tea bag on the cold sore. Doing this for five days will make the sores disappear.

Witch hazel: The astringent that is in witch hazel is effective against cold sores.

Salt: If you apply everyday household salt to the affected area it?ll make cold sores disappear in two to three days.

Aloe Vera: Rubbing aloe juice or aloe gel on cold sores is very effective in curing cold sores.

All of these remedies have worked, although if you have a weak immune system it may take longer to recover. So always wash your hands, and always avoid immediate contact with the blisters that are caused by cold sores. Apply sunscreen cream on the areas prone to the infection and never share your personal belongings like your toothbrush.

Terri-Leigh Bennett


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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cold Sore Virus

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Cold Sore Virus

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Home Remedy for Cold Sore

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For those that came for the instant download for home remedy for cold sore please go to the download page at Cold Sore Relief!

Everybody else please read the article below.

I love searching the net looking for home remedies that people use to combat the daily ailments that we humans are prone to get. One of my favorites is a home remedy for cold sores. Some of these remedies sound a bit whacky and I can't vouch that they work as I have not tried them. I just find these remedies interesting and entertaining and I hope you do to. You may even want to try one.

Home Remedy for Cold Sore:

Nail Polish Remover - using a Q-tip apply nail polish remover to your cold sore

Ear wax - at the onset of a cold sore apply ear wax. (Authors note - use your own ear wax.

Tea Bag - apply a warm tea bag to your cold sore.

Ice or a Popsicle - when a cold sore is just beginning apply ice or a popsicle to the infected area for as long as you can stand it.

Witch Hazel - applying witch hazel to a cold sore will relieve the soreness

After Shave - apply aftershave to the cold sore a few times a day to dry it out

L-lysine - take L-lysine (which can be found in the vitamin section of your drugstore) 3 times a day to get rid of the cold sore.

Garlic - when you first feel a cold sore coming on dab a clove of garlic on it for about 10 minutes.

As you can see there are many different home remedies for cold sores. Above are only just a few that I have found. If you have a cold sore and you are trying to get rid of it you may want to try one of the above methods.

What's important is that you find something that works for you and you stick with it.

(c) All rights reserved.

Instant download for an all natural cure for cold sores at Cold Sore Relief!

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Cold Sores Caused By Herpes

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Cold sore, fever blister, herpes. The first two are generally thought to be typical conditions, benign, a part of life. The third condition has a darker reputation: a dreaded disease and one often linked to sexual behavior. In reality, all three conditions are the same. Cold sores and fever blisters are actually common terms for the symptoms caused by herpes.

To put it simply, a cold sore is herpes.

Specifically, a cold sore is Herpes Simplex Virus 1, or HSV 1 (cold sores are sometimes caused by Herpes Simplex Virus 2, the strain of the herpes virus that typically causes genital herpes, but this is rare). Cold sores, or fever blisters, occur when the herpes virus travels along nerve paths and appears at the surface of the skin. Are all instances of cold sores herpes? There are blemishes that appear on the skin that aren?t cold sores; but if the blemish is a cold sore, or a fever blister if you prefer, then it?s herpes.

Surprised? Dubious? These kinds of reactions aren?t unusual on learning that herpes causes cold sores, and that?s almost certainly due to the negative association that the word ?herpes? has for some people. Why is this? Yes, there is a variation of the herpes virus that typically causes genital outbreaks (HSV 2), but the strain of herpes that causes cold sores, HSV 1, can also be spread to the genitals; and herpes in general is an exceptionally common condition: among US adults, roughly 20% have HSV 2, and up to 90% have HSV 1.

HSV 1 is often spread by kissing, and after HSV 1 infection takes place a cold sore outbreak can appear within a week or so -- or may never appear at all. Many people with HSV 1 don?t have cold sore outbreaks, and there?s no absolute reason why some HSV 1 infected people have cold sore outbreaks and others don?t. The first HSV 1 outbreak a person has can be the most uncomfortable, with a fever and a general ill feeling sometimes accompanying the initial appearance of cold sores. Subsequent outbreaks are typically less severe, aided by the body?s production of herpes antibodies, which help fight future outbreaks more effectively. Treatment for cold sore outbreaks is available and typically shortens the duration of an outbreak, but treatment for a cold sore isn?t necessary as outbreaks will eventually clear on their own.

While cold sore outbreaks are usually not a serious condition, it is possible to spread the HSV 1 virus to the eye(s). This condition is known as ocular herpes, and unlike a general cold sore outbreak, ocular herpes requires medical attention. Ocular herpes is not common, but it does happen. Ocular herpes usually occurs from a mouth to eye contact, such as placing a contact lens into the mouth to moisturize it, and then placing the contact lens into the eye. Don?t go from your mouth or someone else?s mouth into your eye(s)! Most people likely wouldn?t do this anyway, but it?s worth reinforcing.

Get more cold sore information at herpes outbreak. Visit cold sore eliminator for cold sore treatment answers. Chas Oliver can be reached here.

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Cold Sore Remedy To Help Prevent An Outbreak

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How many times have you felt that tingling feeling on the side of your lip, and knew what was coming? That's right, another cold sore is forming.

So, you wait for the sore to turn red and start to puff out and then water fills it out even more. Yikes, what a miserable feeling. Yet for those who suffer from the herpes simplex virus, that is reality.

While the herpes simplex virus stays dormant most of the time, there will always be those times when a breakout occurs. So, what can you do? Is there a cold sore remedy that will help? Here's a look at some of the more popular ones:

Zinc - Several studies have shown that a water-based zinc solution will speed up the healing time of cold sores. Zinc gluconate is available at most any health store.

Toothbrush - That's right, your tooth brush can play a role with cold sores. When you first get a cold sore, replace your toothbrush. When the sore is gone, replace your tooth brush again.

Keep the sun off - All doctors agree that avoiding exposure to the sun for long periods of time will help prevent cold sores.

Lysine - Studies have been ongoing that tend to show lysine supplements reduce the numbers of cold sore outbreaks. By adding 2,000 mg of lysine to your daily diet could dramatically help in lowering your risk.

Stress - The number one reason for cold sores is stress. If you'll reduce the stress in your everyday life, you'll also reduce the number of cold sore outbreaks.

These are just a few cold sore remedy tips that may provide some relief in getting these nasty sores from forming.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Do you suffer from cold sores? You can find out much more about a Cold Sore Remedy To Help Prevent An Outbreak as well as more information about cold sores at

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Cold Sores Cures - An Introduction

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The correct medical term for cold sores is recurrent herpes labialis. However you may feel about cold sores, you should be aware that the virus that causes cold sores is a real medical condition. The first step in controlling your cold sores is knowing what triggers them. There are a few cold sores cures, but you must first understand what the problems are. The most common strain of the virus that causes cold sores is herpes simplex virus 1.

Fact: The virus that causes cold sores is infectious.

The herpes virus that causes cold sores is much different and separate from the herpes virus that causes genital sores. The most important management of cold sores is to advise the person who is suffering from them to keep themselves. Finding a home remedy for your cold sores is of the utmost importance when you become aware that an outbreak is going.

Accidental infection of another part of the body is less common in people with a history of cold sores, but it can happen. The infection may be accompanied by a fever and general aches and pains. When the problem first flares up it may be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue. In some people the infection remains dormant forever, whereas in others it is reactivated every now and then to cause cold sores. Recurrences are milder than the primary infection, and are commonly known as cold sores or fever blisters.

Two of the most common recurrent oral lesions are fever blisters (also called cold sores) and canker sores (aphthous ulcers). Fever blisters, also called cold sores, and they usually occur outside the mouth--on the lips, chin, and cheeks or in the nostrils. Canker sores and fever blisters (or cold sores) are often confused because they both occur in the area of the mouth. Pain and tingling is often felt a day or two prior to the blisters occurring.

There are several cold sores cures available to ease the symptoms of cold sores. Most cold sores cures contain Lypsine in them to help prevent the nasty problem. The herbal antiseptics Sage and Tea Tree Oil and the herbal sedative Violet have each been suggested as treatments for cold sores. Treatments such as Choraphor and Zovirax can help to shorten the duration of the outbreak dramatically. Antiviral treatments for cold sores, such as Denavir, penetrate the area surrounding the cold sore and block the virus. With most cold sores cures, it may take some time before there is visible improvement.

The main danger with cold sores is where blisters form in or near the eye - you must see your doctor if this happens. Another way of controlling the arrival of cold sores is to become aware of what can trigger it. The best way to prevent cold sores is to boost up Vitamin C. One of the worst things about cold sores is that once you get one on your lip, they're hard to hide. The best tip on preventing cold sores is using ice. The best way to avoid the hassle of cold sores is to prevent them from forming in the first place. An important consideration with cold sores is to try an avoid spreading them. These are just some cold sores cures you can try yourself. It is always recommended that a clinical opinion should be the first option if problems worsen or persist.

Cecil Harmon realizes that cold sores are an annoying and potentially serious problem. Your invited to check out Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days just by Clicking Here to learn how you can clear up cold sores in just 3 days.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

How to Cure a Cold Sore

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How to cure a cold sore? What is the best way to cure a cold sore? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, and they're contagious. A cold sore is called herpes labialis, generally affects the mouth on the lips and face and once you are infected with it, the virus lies dormant in the nerve cells in your skin. Though the virus stays dormant most of the time, certain things such as stress, fever, menstruation, certain types of foods, and overexposure from sun or wind may trigger a recurrence can cause an outbreak.

The signs and symptoms of cold sores include itching and soreness in a day or two, before small, painful, red blisters appears on the lips.

A cold sore is contagious and the best you should do is preventing spread them to other parts of your body or to avoid spreading them along to another person.

These are a few steps how to preventing spread the virus:

- Keep your hand always clean.

- don?t rub to your eye or genital after touching the blister.

- Avoid kissing when you have a blister.

- Avoid triggers such as stress, some of certain of food, wind, and sun.

- Don?t share the item that can spread the virus.

- Avoid squeezing, pinching or picking at any blister.

How to cure a cold sore?

There are many cures for cold sore, One of the cures of cold sore is OTC (over-the-counter) medications, they offer to relief your cold sore pains and itchy, but they don?t cure the virus completely. OTC medications are good for pain relief and may shorten the duration of cold sores. OTC medications include cream (Aloe Vera and vitamin E), OTC pain relief (aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen).

Consult your doctor if the cold sores don't heal within one to two weeks on their own, symptoms become severe, frequent outbreaks of cold sores, irritation to your eyes. Your doctor may recommend you to take the antiviral medicines. . Anti-viral medications are probably the most effective cold sore treatments for most people, they have proven to be beneficial at stopping the virus while using the medications, but do not prevent recurrence once the treatment is stopped.

One the best cure for cold sore that you should know is natural home remedies. There are natural cure for cold sore such some of herbs and vitamins as, L-lysine, olive leaf extract, red marine algae, lavender, myrrh, sage, and that have proven to be effective a cold sore cure and help reduce reoccurrence. Natural home remedies to cure a cold sore focuses on relieve the symptoms, decrease the risk of recurrent outbreaks, and helping you cope with a lifelong condition. They have no dangerous side effects to use natural home remedies to cure a cold sore. The complete treatment solution to cold sore is using natural remedies.

Cold sore is caused by virus which cannot be cured and it remains in the body for life. But with effective cold sore cure, it doesn?t have to get in the way of living. And one of the major goals when living with cold sore is to lead a healthy life and not spread the virus to someone else.

? How to Cure A Cold Sore

Did you know there are certain type of foods can trigger a recurrence can cause an outbreak? Find out exactly what there are and How to cure a cold sore PERMANETLY?Click here: How to Cure a Cold Sore FOREVER!

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Valtrex - Cold Sore Medication Review

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Do you suffer from cold sores? If so, then you certainly want a medicine that can shorten their duration for sure. Well, does Valtrex cold sore medication help in this regard? Here's a review to give you some answers.

As a cold sore remedy, Valtrex by Glaxo Smith Kline may well be one of the better medications available. Valtrex is the actual brand name for Valacyclovir Hydrochloride. It comes in pill form to treat herpes, herpes simplex or cold sores, in addition to shingles and chicken pox.

While it is true that Valtrex is one of the best as a cold sore remedy, it is not cheap. A 500 mg pill will cost approximately $6.00 each, while a 1000 mg pill will run $10.00 each. Taking four of the 1000 mg pills will cost you $40, but if you are suffering from a cold sore, I consider it money well spent.

I have a friend who suffers from several bouts with cold sores throughout the year. He has tried every cold sore remedy, cold sore medication, and every other home remedy for cold sores. Nothing has worked for him like Valtrex.

He starting taking Valtrex just as the instructions say to do, at the first sign of a tingling sensation. He took two 1000 mg pills twice a day for one day. The cold sore went away without ever breaking out. it never broke the surface. This was amazing.

If you suffer from cold sores, then you know that when they break out you're looking at 10-14 days of an ugly, painful cold sore. If you're taking Valtrex this won't happen. Compared to any over-the-counter cold sore remedy, there is no question about which is the best.

The key for any cold sore medication to work is catching the sore before it breaks through the surface of your skin. Once it breaks out there is no cold sore remedy that will eliminate it in a day or two, Valtrex included. But if you take Valtrex before this happens, then it will flat out eliminate it immediately.

For anyone who has cold sores and has been looking for a medicine that works, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about Valtrex. It may be the cold sore remedy you're looking for.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Do you suffer from cold sores? You can find out much more about Valtrex Cold Sore Medication as well as more information about cold sores at

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Cold Sore Treatment - Grandma's Breakthrough Treatment Leaves Experts Clueless

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About 50% to 80% of the American population carries the herpes simplex 1 virus. That is easily more than 100 million Americans that have suffered from unsightly red and painful cold sores at least once in their entire lifetime. Sad to say, even though medical research funds in the tune of millions have been poured into researching and finding a permanent cure for the herpes virus, it has been thus far a wild goose chase.

Prescription anti-virus products can at most bring temporary comfort to cold sore sufferers by reducing the itch and pain. Vaccines are still in the early experimental stage, and have not been fully developed to produce positive results.

For the time being, cold sore sufferers can only rely upon over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Such medications often contain numbing properties, or are anti-viral in nature. They can also simply be pain-killers that in essence alleviate pain and bring temporary relief. But none can effectively reduce the normal 10 day period of cold sore attacks, which in serious cases can be even longer. These products are also ineffective in preventing cold sore recurrences.

People have also reported that there could be side-effects associated with using such medications. These side-effects include excessive dryness of skin, peeling, etc.

While modern science and medicine are advanced, our physical bodies still respond better to natural treatment methods. More and more medical experts are now convinced that applying natural cold sore treatment could be the correct way to treat cold sores without suffering from the harmful side-effects. Traditional home remedies passed down by the older folks are slowly making their way into American homes. Afterall, external drugs tend to create chemical imbalances in our bodies, and could have far-reaching repercussions on our health. At the same time, these homemade cold sore treatment can often be administered cheaply, frequently at a fraction of OTC medication costs.

It is amazing that nature has provided us with herbs or even plants that have great medicinal and healing properties. Even our common household items like toothpaste has the effect of cooling sores.

A long-time cold sore sufferer recently documented in her book about how she was able to win her struggle against cold sore recurrences. She also penned down the natural cold sore treatment methods that helped her cure her cold sores in 3 short days. In her report, she revealed how anyone can duplicate her treatment to heal cold sores from home. You can read more about her story and treatment methods from the resource below.

I hope that this article has encouraged you to seriously consider natural cold sore treatment as an alternative to OTC medicines.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Learn more about all types of cold sore treatment including how you can treat your cold sores using natural treatment in 3 days easily from home at


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Thursday, November 1, 2007

How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore by Traditional Methods

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There are several things that can be done to eliminate a cold sore. Prevention in the first place, of course, is preferable. Cold sores (also known as herpes simplex) often erupt while one is suffering from the common cold - hence its name. It will last from ten to fourteen days on average. If outbreaks occur frequently, or tend to heal more slowly than this, it is advisable to seek a doctor who will determine the underlying cause(s) and hopefully offer a course of treatment. Here follows some well tried remedies for getting rid of cold sores that are believed to be successful. Often, they may be used in conjunction together:

1. Apply ice to the cold sore for 5-10 minutes every hour. Spreading of the infection can be prevented by application of a cold, wet used tea bag for about the same period of time. Tea contains tannic acid which is antiviral in its effect.

2. A recommended herbal remedy to get rid of a cold sore is a drink made of a combination of tea tree oil, sage and violet - a herbal sedative. An infusion is made from adding this combination, with two or three leaves of sage and a piece of ginger root or ginger powder to a cup of boiling water. A cup of this tea should be taken, after it has brewed for a few minutes, twice or three times daily.

A warm tea bag applied directly to the site for about a half-hour several times a day may work to remove the cold sore within five or six days.

3. Another remedy for a cold sore is to take four capsules of acidophilus with a glass of milk three or four times every day.

Other remedies include:

Rubbing aloe gel or juice on the site of the cold sore;
Applying a paste made of cornstarch to the site.
Applying lemon balm extracts.or spirit of camphor to the site.
Vitamin B, especially vitamin B-12, and folic acid, taken with water, are supplements that help to clear away a cold sore.
The following traditional remedy to eliminate a cold sore is a formula that can be prepared for use in advance, then stored in a glass or plastic bottle for later use.

This is the formula:

100 millilitres of coconut oil,
2 millilitres of dettol
3 millilitres of carbolic acid.
Directions for use:
Apply once or twice a day directly to the cold sore site. This also is said to work for boils, minor itching and mosquito bites. The shelf life of the formula is many years. Witch hazel is said to help cure cold sores as well.

The following foods may make cold sores far worse:
Chocolate, peas, nuts, seeds, oatmeal and other wholewheat foods. These foods contain the chemical arginine which tends to aggravate the cold sore blister. Reducing the intake of excessively acidic foods, salty foods and coffee will help to lessen the time taken for a cold sore to disappear. Following at least some of the above recommendations will hopefully reduce the discomfort and unsightly inconvenience that an eruption of the core sore virus brings. If symptoms persist, see a qualified MD.

For many more articles on this and related subjects, go to:

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