Cure Cold Sore

Friday, September 28, 2007

How to get rid of a cold sore - by traditional methods

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There are several things that can be done to get rid of a cold sore.

Prevention in the first place, of course, is preferable.

Cold sores (also known as herpes simplex) often erupt while one is

suffering from the common cold - hence its name. It can last from ten to

fourteen days on average. If outbreaks occur frequently, or tend to heal

more slowly than this, it is advisable to seek a doctor who will determine

the underlying cause(s) and hopefully offer a course of treatment.

Here follows some well tried remedies for getting rid of cold sores that

are believed to be successful. Often, they may be used in conjunction


1 Apply ice to the cold sore for 5-10 minutes every hour. Spreading can

be prevented by application of a cold, wet used tea bag for about the

same period of time. Tea contains tannic acid which is antiviral in its


A recommended herbal remedy to get rid of a cold sore is a drink made

of a combination of tea tree oil, sage and violet - a herbal sedative. An

infusion is made from adding this combination, with two or three leaves

of sage and a piece of ginger root or ginger powder to a cup of boiling

water. A cup of this tea should be drunk, after it has brewed for a few

minutes, twice or three times daily.

A warm tea bag applied for about a half-hour several times a day may

work to remove the cold sore within five or six days.

Yet another remedy for a cold sore is the ingestion of four capsules of

acidophilus with milk three or four times every day. Other remedies include: Rubbing aloe gel or juice on the site of the cold sore; Apply a paste made of cornstarch. Apply lemon balm extracts.or spirit of camphor.

Vitamin B, especially vitamin B-12, and folic acid are supplements that

help rid a body of a cold sore. Another traditional remedy to get rid of a cold sore is a formula that can

be prepared for use in advance, then stored in a glass or plastic bottle for

later use. Here is the formula: 100 ml. of coconut oil, 2 ml. of dettol 3 ml. of carbolic acid. Apply once or twice a day directly to the cold sore site. This also is said to

work for boils, minor itching and mosquito bites. The shelf life of the

formula is many years. Witch hazel is said to help cure cold sores as well.

Foods that make cold sores far worse and whose avoidance will help

toprevent cold sores are: Chocolate, peas, nuts, seeds, oatmeal and other whole wheat foods.

These foods have a lot of arginine which aggravates the cold sore blister.

Consuming less acidic or salty foods and coffee will assist in helping to get rid of a cold sore.

Recommended further reading: How I Permanently and Safely Cured My cold Sores For Life - Get rid of

your cold sores or herpes simplex. Description: How I Permanently and Safely Cured My cold Sores For Life -

How to get rid of a cold sore or herpes simplex type 1 with a natural

treatment for cold sore removal.

For further information go to:

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How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore - Cold Sore Freedom

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Look Better, Feel Better, and Raise Your Self-Esteem 150% by Curing Your Cold Sores in 3 Days!

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At last, the truth will be exposed so that YOU can Cure Your Cold Sores or Herpes Simplex Type I Naturally and get your Confidence back - from the comfort of your own home.

A 12-year cold sore sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured them permanently for life in just 3 days, and threw away ALL those worthless creams and over-the-counter drugs!

And I Challenge YOU To Do the Same Right Now! COLD SORES ARE A BIG DEAL... And you do not have to suffer from them ANYMORE! Trust me, I've been there. I tried everything, before I finally figured out how to get rid of my cold sores... How About YOU? How much have YOU gone through?

How much have YOU spent with little or no relief?

How much have YOUR cold sores cost YOU? Click Here To Get your Copy!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cold Sores - you CAN prevent outbreaks...

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Anyone who has ever had a cold sore knows that they can occur for seemingly no-reason. The symptoms are often obvious enough though.

With summer coming on, and lovely days of sunshine to look forward to, how many of us are worrying about cold sores? A lot, because anyone anyone who has had a cold sore knows that sunburn or sun exposure is guaranteed to result in an outbreak...

The Herpes Simpex 1 virus (HSV1) is highly contagious and usually affects the mouth in the form of cold sores. Once you have the Herpes virus, it resides in your DNA for life. You cannot get rid of it, but you can treat cold sores, and you can prevent outbreaks.

So what triggers a Herpes (Cold Sores) outbreak?
- Illness or sickness
- High internal acid levels
- Menstruation
- Ultraviolet light (sunburn)
- Intense physical activity
- Increased moisture and friction

What are the Symptoms of a Cold Sore outbreak?
- pain, itchiness, and a burning or tingling sensation before outbreaks
- painful inflamed blisters develop around infected area
- headache
- muscle ache
- fever

Cold Sores Treatment Alternatives
There are many available treatments for cold sores, both over the counter and prescription medications.

HOWEVER, Many topical creams and ointments do not penetrate the cell membranes and may therefore aggravate the outbreak and prolong healing. Experts strongly advise against the use any kind of topical cortisone-type cream as this can suppress the local immunity and may worsen your cold sores outbreaks significantly. Many other herpes remedys contain alcohol, lidocaine or benzocaine. While generally only partially effective, these treatments can also further irritate the infected area and can lead to allergic reactions.

Natural Cold Sore Treatment AND Prevention
To find out more about cold sores (HSV1) and genital herpes (HSV2) visit This website also offers a range of natural products including a treatment for cold sores, and a cold sore prevention formula.

Don't let cold sores keep you inside this summer. Treat them. Stop them - for good.

Senior P.R. and I.M. Consultant for Naturally Guaranteed's global brand of products - Natural Healing Oils

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Teach Your Kids How To Avoid Catching Cold Sores

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The best way to prevent your children from getting cold sores (or fever blisters) is to minimize any close personal contact with a person who has one.

First, begin by teaching your child at an early age not to kiss others on the mouth and not to eat or drink after others. If your child is old enough to use lip balms, tell them not to ever use someone else's lip balm.

Second, begin to teach them what a cold sore is by showing them one. If it's on a passer by, you will naturally want to be discrete. If you or a family member have one, it will be easier to talk about if the child has questions. You can simply tell your child that's what a cold sore looks like. They are contagious so you should never drink after someone or kiss anyone who has one. And if you have one, it is easier to get another one, so just don't drink or eat after anyone or use anyone else's lip balm. The kissing talk can probably come later. The herpes simplex one virus is not the same virus that causes genital herpes. Herpes simplex two is associated with genital herpes. It is important, however, to let adolescents know that you can have a genital outbreak of herpes simplex one if that area comes in contact with an affected person, and vice versa.

Third, if your child is old enough, explain that the germ that causes cold sores is called herpes simplex one. It lives in saliva, or spit. So try not to get coughed or sneezed upon by someone who has a cold sore.

It's important to remember that almost 90 percent of people over age 30 have tested positive for exposure to the herpes simplex one virus at some time in their lives. Having a cold sore may be painful and unsightly, but it is not the end of the world. Explaining that to a child who has one - especially a teenager - may not be so easy.

If your child does get a cold sore, talk with your pharmacist about age appropriate treatment to relieve the pain and diminish the sore itself. It will help the child to decrease the intake of salty foods or acidic fruits and juices, like orange juice, during the time he or she has the cold sore. As with any sore, salt and acid tend to burn the sore. There are a number of home remedies for cold sores. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist to see if they are appropriate for your child. Some herbal remedies contain elements that might prove to be toxins if served in the wrong amount to children.

Remind your child that the cold sore will probably go away on its own in two or three days. Like any virus, they just have to work their way out of our system. Help your child diminish the symptoms or appearance of the sore the best you can.

For more information about cold sores, visit HerpesOrg

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Cold Sore Remedy - Mint Tea

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A cold sore remedy proven very effective, as well as pleasant to use, is mint tea. Many times I've seen a cold sore completely healed in as little as 7 days using the mint tea cold sore remedy described in this article.

As with any cold sore remedy I write about, I'm offering this cold sore remedy to you for information purposes only. It's a cold sore remedy that has worked well for many others.

In no way is this cold sore remedy presented as medical advice. Nothing takes the place of a one-on-one relationship with a health professional.

Keep in mind also - the best cold sore remedy is one that's applied topically. A cold sore is primarily an external problem and is easily treated this way. You may hear of a variety of vitamins or prescription medications that are useful as an internal cold sore remedy. These do sometimes help. But, the simple and direct approach will always give you the very best results.

This is true with a cold sore or any other problem in life.

Mint is a very powerful cold sore remedy because it has strong anti-viral properties. Mint also has a very soothing effect, which has made it a favorite with many folks who've written me.

But first, let's look at the "universal" cold sore remedy - ice.

Ice has been used as a cold sore remedy for centuries. Today ice is readily available anywhere at any time. Even a cold can of soda works as a cold sore remedy, when held to the sore.

The replication process of the herpes virus creates the cold sore. Ice, when applied to an emerging cold sore, discourages the herpes virus from replicating. The herpes virus hates cold. Applying ice or any cold object will stall the herpes virus from creating that hideous sore. And sometimes even send the herpes virus back into hibernation.

As a cold sore remedy, combining the ice method with mint is many times more effective.

Mint is very easy to find. The form we use is mint tea bags. These are available anywhere you find herbal teas. If the mint is combined with other herbs, that will work fine also. Just make sure the mint is primary. Mint can also be easily grown in a window pot if you want to try it fresh. I'll talk about a special cold sore remedy using fresh mint in just a moment.

This is how we turn mint tea into a very effective cold sore remedy.

Taking 20 oz. of bottled water and 5 tea bags (about one tea bag per 4 oz. of water), we make a strong batch of mint tea. Then freeze the wet tea bags.

Using the frozen tea bags in place of ice, we hold the tea bag on the cold sore area for about 10 minutes at a time. About 3 times per hour works well.

With this frozen mint cold sore remedy, you get the comforting and healing effects of ice. Plus, as the bag melts, you are applying a very strong anti-viral medication. This will kill thousands of herpes viruses.

Additionally, you can supercharge this cold sore remedy by sipping the tea. Also, apply the mint tea liquid to the sore with a cotton ball or paper towel. Now you have an internal as well as an external cold sore remedy.

This is also a perfect cold sore remedy for those rare people who get a cold sore inside the mouth. It works well for canker sores too. As a cold sore remedy, or for canker sores, you can use the tea as mouthwash. Swish it around for a minute or so, then swallow it for the internal benefits.

A variation of this cold sore remedy, we've used successfully, is to freeze the tea liquid. This works best for us using an ice cube tray that makes smaller ice cubes. This is a little messier as the cube melts. If you use fresh grown or bulk mint, then you won't have the tea bags to freeze. In that case, this may be one way to use your mint as a cold sore remedy.

One final note on using mint as a cold sore remedy.

Using this cold sore remedy, you may not want to, or can't, sit and hold the ice or frozen tea bags to your lip. If you're on the go, here's a very convenient and powerful way to use mint as a cold sore remedy.

You can quickly make an excellent cold sore remedy by crushing fresh mint leaves into a paste. If you don't wish to grow your own, mint is often available fresh or dried at your local health food store. With dried mint, add some water to reconstitute it and it will make a fine paste too. As you make the paste, mix in a little baking soda. This raises the pH level, which the herpes virus also hates.

Now you have a cold sore remedy you can use when traveling or at work. And, if made with fresh mint, the mint will be even stronger than in the dried tea form because you aren't heating it.

I hope you, as so many others have, find this to be an excellent, cheap and powerful cold sore remedy.

Denny Bodoh is a 33-year newspaper veteran, and an alternative health and nutrition research writer. Learn more about cold sores, and cold sore remedies, by going to his wildly popular cold sore site.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Are Cold Sores Contagious?

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When someone gets a cold sore or knows someone who has one, it is not uncommon for them to wonder, Are cold sores contagious?  And the answer to this question is yes, cold sores are contagious in more ways than one.  The herpes simplex virus that usually causes cold sores is easily spread--even if the infected person does not have an active cold sore.

Cold sores are contagious, and the HSV-1 virus that causes cold sores is present in an estimated 80% of the population.  Most people are infected by HSV-1 at an early age, usually by the time they are five years old.  Once the virus infects an individual, it will remain in that persons body forever.  Though HSV-1 is latent or dormant for much of the time, it is still present in the body.  The virus is usually present near the persons mouth, but it can spread all over the body.  It is important to understand that an infected person can spread HSV-1 to others even while not currently experiencing an outbreak. 

One of the most common ways that HSV-1 is spread is through an object an infected person used, like a toothbrush or tube of lip balm.  If particles of the HSV-1 virus are transferred to an object and it is used by someone else, that person runs a strong risk of infection. 

People are most likely to become infected by HSV-1 by exposure to someone with a cold sore.  A cold sore goes through several phases before it disappears.  The tingle stage is the first.  At this point, the cold sore has not yet formed, but the virus has been reactivated.  The risk of spreading the virus increases at this time, but the risk is highest when the sore is in the weeping stage.  This is when the sore bursts open and expels a clear liquid.  Even during the crusting stage, when the sore is scabbed over, the risk of infection is greater than normal. 

It is important to note that HSV-1 can not only spread between people, but also to different parts of the infected persons body.  Herpetic whitlow, the HSV-1 infection of the fingers is particularly painful.  People must be sure to wash their hands thoroughly when they have a cold sore to prevent the spread of HSV-1.

Cold Sores provides detailed information about the cause of cold sores, as well as treatment, home remedies, curious, and answers to frequently-asked questions, such as Are cold sores contagious? For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

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Home Remedies for Cold Sores

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There are a large number of home remedies for cold sores.  In some cases these traditional treatments have been known to work as well as antiviral pills or numbing creams.

One advantage of using a home remedy for cold sores is that treatment can begin immediately since there is no need to visit the doctor to get a prescription or go to the drugstore and choose between several creams.  As soon as someone realizes they are developing a cold sore, they can begin the home remedy. 

There are a large number of home treatments for cold sores.  These remedies can include diet changes, taking vitamins and supplements, applying different types of juice or powder to the sore, or simply holding an ice cube against it.  While some of theses remedies work better than others, there is a chance that some of the more obscure home remedies may not offer any relief at all.  However, some of them are proven to help heal cold sores. 

Pressing or rubbing ice on a sore is possibly the best-known home remedy for cold sores.  There are several benefits to this remedy.  If the ice is applied early in the development of the cold sore, it can slow down the metabolism of the area around the cold sore, greatly slowing its growth.  It is good to hold the ice to the sore for a few minutes every ten minutes for a few hours.  The ice will also make the sore smaller and keep the virus from moving or spreading. 

Rubbing aloe, lemon balm extract, or tea bags to cold sores is also known to lessen their size and help reduce pain.  Drinking less coffee is another home remedy for cold sores.  It is believed that coffee can be a catalyst in the formation of cold sores.  It is recommended that people who are susceptible to cold sores cut back on their coffee intake.

A number of home remedies are great for healing cold sores.  These treatments are quick, easy, and cheap and can help relieve the pain of a cold sore as well as help make it heal quicker.

Cold Sores provides detailed information about the cause of cold sores, as well as treatment, home remedies, curious, and answers to frequently-asked questions, such as Are cold sores contagious? For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore

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Friday, September 21, 2007

What Cause Cold Sores?

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Cold sores are caused by a virus, the herpes simplex virus or HSV.  There are two kinds of herpes simplex virus, called type 1 and type 2.  While both types can cause cold sores, type 1 is the variety usually responsible.  Type 2 HSV is found in genital herpes and is much more rare than type 1 HSV.

HSV-1 is the most common cause of cold sores.  Most people are exposed to HSV-1 between the ages of three to five.  There are many ways that a person can become infected by HSV-1, including among them coming into close contact with a person who has a cold sore, ingesting contaminated fluids that have been sneezed or coughed into the air, or by coming into contact with objects that a person with a cold sore touched or used.  Although most people are first infected with the HSV-1 virus early in life, they do not get their first cold sore until after puberty.  Once someone is infected with HSV-1, the virus remains with them for the rest of their lives.

HSV-2 is much less common than HSV-1.  It primarily causes genital herpes.  HSV-2 usually only affect body parts that are below a persons waist, but in rare cases, it can cause a person to get cold sores.

Once a person is infected with HVS-1, a number of things can cause cold sores.  A bad cold, a case of the flu, or any sort of disease that affects the immune system can lead to the appearance of cold sores.  Extremely chapped or sunburned lips can increase the chance of a cold sore outbreak.  Women who are pregnant or menstruating also have an increased risk of cold sores. 

But cold sores are not just caused by physical factors. Emotional stress or prolonged upset is another factor that can bring about a cold sore outbreak.  Another factor that has been seen to increase the risk of an outbreak is physical stress or fatigue.  All of these stress factors weaken the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight the outbreak. 

Many people experience cold sores only a few times in their life, while others have them much more regularly.  There is no cure for cold sores.  And with so many different causes that people have no control over, treatment and therapy by trained professionals are often the best ways to manage troublesome outbreaks.

Cold Sores provides detailed information about the cause of cold sores, as well as treatment, home remedies, curious, and answers to frequently-asked questions, such as Are cold sores contagious? For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at


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A Look at Cold Sore Treatments

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Cold sores usually disappear without any type of medication in about a week to ten days.  Many people choose to wait out their cold sores, just ignoring them until they go away.  Others decide that ten days is too long to have a large, painful, embarrassing facial blemish near their mouth and seek out medicine or other treatments to make the cold sore easier to deal with.

There are many different types of cold sore treatment available, from antiviral pills to over the counter and prescription creams.  Many people also use conventional pain relievers like aspirin and acetaminophen as cold sore treatment.

People suffering their first cold sore outbreak are often recommended to take antiviral medications.  These pills are only obtainable by prescription, so the cold sore sufferer must consult a doctor first.  Cold sore medication such as acyclovir or famciclovir can provide pain relief and reduce the healing time of a cold sore.  Antiviral medication is most effective if people start taking it when the cold sore first appears.

There are several types of creams used to treat cold sores.  Creams containing docosanol are particularly useful.  Docosanol is used to fight against the HSV-1 virus that causes cold sores and it can relive pain as well as help heal the cold sore sooner.  Other types of cold sore treatment include creams designed to numb the area around the cold sore and moisturizer creams that help revitalize the skin around the cold sore.  Lip balm can prevent the cold sore from cracking open.   

Many conventional pain relief medicines like acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen are great cold sore treatments.  These medicines treat the inflammation, providing pain relief.  While there is no cure for cold sores, there are several types of cold sore treatment that make having a cold sore a shorter, more bearable experience.

Cold Sores provides detailed information about the cause of cold sores, as well as treatment, home remedies, curious, and answers to frequently-asked questions, such as Are cold sores contagious? For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

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Is There a Cure For Cold Sores?

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One question on the minds of many people who frequently suffer from cold sores is is there a cure for cold sores?  Sadly, the answer is no.  But while there is no cold sores cure, there are numerous preventive measures people can take to keep their cold sore outbreaks to a minimum.

Some of these preventions include not kissing people who currently have cold sores, protecting the lips from prolonged exposure to the sun, use lip balm with sun block on the lips at all times, and avoiding personal triggers that can lead to a cold sore outbreak.  Following these procedures will not guarantee that a person will never have another cold sore, but it will decrease the likelihood that they will have another outbreak. 

It is a good idea to avoid any close contact like kissing with anyone who currently has a cold sore. Although people can spread the cold-sore-causing HSV-1 virus even when they do not have a cold sore, it is much more likely to spread when a sore is present.  It is advisable not to share any items with people who have cold sores as well.  Items such as toothbrushes, towels, razors, and tableware can carry the HSV-1 virus. 

It is also a good idea to protect the lips from the sun.  People should wear a lip balm containing sunscreen at all times to prevent any burning or drying.  Even with the sun block, people should still limit the amount of direct sunlight their lips get.  It is advisable to wear a hat or stay in the shade to keep the lips from getting too much sun. 

Some foods seem to trigger cold sore outbreaks in some people.  Foods and drinks containing caffeine like chocolate, coffee, and soft drinks make some people more susceptible to cold sore outbreaks.  People who are sensitive to these substances should limit their intake in order to decrease the likelihood of a cold sore outbreak.

There is no cold sores cure, but taking these precautions can greatly reduce the likelihood of a cold sore outbreak.  Anyone who has a weakened immune system is at a risk for cold sores, but many of these preventive measures can still be effective.

Cold Sores provides detailed information about the cause of cold sores, as well as treatment, home remedies, curious, and answers to frequently-asked questions, such as Are cold sores contagious? For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

A New Holistic Treatment Protocol For Herpes And Cold Sores

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Part One:

800,000 people or more will contract Genital and Oral Herpes (Herpes 1 and 2) this year in North America alone. It's estimated that 60f the population has Herpes. A majority of the people with the disease are unaware that they carry the virus- making them much more likely to pass it on to others. With so many people affected by this epidemic, it's a wonder that Herpes doesn't get more media attention. It's been labeled an incurable disease which left untreated can have serious consequences such as the death of a infant born to a mother having an outbreak during delivery and vastly increasing one's chances of getting AIDS and other opportunistic infections.

The sad fact is that there's still a pervasive wall of shame and silence over this disease. People are much more likely to publicly declare their HIV positive status than admit to having Herpes. There are numerous charities and foundations with their high-profile celebrity spokespersons leading the very public campaign of AIDS awareness and research. There's an ever increasing amount of sympathy and support for AIDS victims from the general public. But I challenge you to name a public spokesperson for Herpes? Better yet, can anyone even name one single Herpes charity? I'm sure they exist, but their public profiles are next to nonexistent. Have you ever seen a telethon to raise money for Herpes research? It's inconceivable to me why Herpes is treated as such a "dirty" disease. Is it the modern leprosy? I have worked with many Herpes sufferers who do not tell their lovers of their status for fear of being rejected. I'm not sure what the answer would be to gaining more support and sympathy for the sufferers of Herpes, but it's something we could all work on. The Acyclovir family of drugs-including Valtrex and Famvir, has been the long standing therapy prescribed by doctors for the treatment of Herpes 1 and 2. Although the drug has proven itself to be somewhat effective in the reduction of the duration and severity of outbreaks when used topically and in the suppression of some outbreaks when taken orally, this effectiveness can come with a steep price.

Acyclovir does not cure Herpes, and must be taken indefinitely. Like many other drugs there are serious possible side-effects, including kidney dysfunction, toxicity in the nervous system, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea seizures, confusion and tremors, severe headaches. Beyond these perhaps the biggest problem with taking these drugs for Herpes is the creation of drug-resistant strains of the virus that will make treating people in the future much more difficult. I have been using natural remedies to help people suffering with Herpes for fourteen years now. One of the principle natural tools used in controlling Herpes has been L-lysine-an amino acid that has been proven to reduce the frequency of outbreak in some people. Unfortunately L-lysine has now been shown to have it's own serious side-effect. Since it's main action is to inhibit arginine in the cellular environment, the long term effect of taking L-lysine is the lowering of the body's immune function. Which is a less than a desirable outcome.

Part Two:

A Comprehensive Programme for Managing Herpes Safely and Effectively

Fifteen years ago I contracted Herpes myself in the context of a monogamous relationship. Being open-minded and desperate I tried drug therapy and immediately got migraine headaches for the first time in my life. It was clear that I had to find a natural way of managing the disease for myself since I was going to have it for the rest of my life and I needed a way of being able to resume my sex life without the dread of the likelihood of passing it on to others. In the next two years I tried every natural therapy available at the time. Frustrated from the lack of consistent and lasting results from most of the touted natural remedies for Herpes I started developing my own treatment programme based on my families multi-generational background as herbalists.

What I found through my experience is that Herpes needs to be addressed on many levels- obviously nutrition and lifestyle changes/adjustments but that also the deep shame and many psychological effects of the disease are equally if not more important to treat than outbreaks. Herpes also can change quite significantly during the course of someone's history with the disease so any protocol would have to be flexible enough to deal with the evolutionary nature of the presenting symptoms.

I also don't believe in the validity of suppressive therapy for Herpes. I think suppression inevitably leads to the disease expressing itself in other ways-ways that may be more devastating than conventional outbreaks- so the protocol is not designed to suppress outbreaks altogether but rather to lengthen the period of time between outbreaks and to shorten their duration and greatly lessen their severity. Some people have had their average duration of outbreaks reduced from 12-16 days to 1 to 2 days. Some people have been able to prevent most outbreaks from re-occouring

The protocol does not cure the disease and does not stop all symptoms from appearing. Even those who have been able to stop most of their outbreaks have experienced some mild infrequent outbreaks. many less than one per year. Some far less than that.

After taking someone's case the protocol is adjusted depending on many factors including the strain of the virus, the frequency, location and duration of outbreaks. The relative health of the clients self-esteem and the relative level of stressors. Whether the client is male or female, length of time with the disease , etc , etc, etc. For most the protocol involves both internal and topical remedies. For all it involves combination therapy- I learned a great deal from studying how other natual practitioners were treating HIV , especially people who had both HIV and Herpes or who had drug-resistant HIV. In North American many people with HIV also have Herpes. Many of the same substances that are effective for HIV are also effective for Herpes.

All of the substances in the protocol are from botanical sources. Many of the substances I grow or wildcraft myself. Most of the substances I tincture or homeopathically prepare myself. Melissa Officinalis is the cornerstone of the protocol. Lomatium Dissectum and Olive Leaf and Prunella Vulgaris are part of the remedy for everyone. There are also two patented substances- one from a Marine Biologist and Bio-Chemist and one from a MD that are frequently prescribed herbally as part of the protocol. The most common homeopathic remedies prescribed in the protocol are Rhus-tox, Mezereum and Rananuculus, but there are over two dozen homeopathic remedies that I use depending on the symptom picture and another dozen or so herbal substances. Again the protocol is a combination therapy. Some of these substances are used internally, some externally.

I am not big on the use of L-lysine. I never found it particularly effective and now research is showing the long term use of L-lysine can actually lower your immune function. L-lysine is not part of the protocol.

For the most severe cases, A referral to a Hypnotherapist is part of the protocol. Hypnosis has been clinically proven to be very effective in the treatment of Herpes particularly when combined with other therapies. Lastly, I counsel people to make peace with the disease. To not treat the virus as some ghastly invader. But to somehow dialogue with the virus and reach some kind of accommodation. The virus is an intelligent, motivated organism quite capable of surviving. The virus is just one of many many micro organisms homesteading in our bodies. I encourage people whenever possible to make an agreement with the virus to allow the virus to stay if the virus agrees to cause as little disruption of the host's life as possible. And above all else to not be ashamed of having Herpes. To have the courage to speak about the disease and not feel like a leper.

Christopher Scipio
Holistic Herpes Specialist

Christopher Scipio , is one of the most experienced holistic practitioners treating the Herpes virus.
A homeopath and herbalist who hails from a long line of Caribbean natural healers, Scipio has during the last 15 years developed a very successful natural protocol in treating the Herpes family of viruses. Email me for a Free Initial Consultation.

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Stop that Sore! Discover How to Avoid Cold Sores from Spreading

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Cold sores are the nasty, red, fluid-filled blisters that appear on the skin. They are contagious and are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). The mouth, lips, throat and genitals are some of the areas that are easily affected and you must avoid cold sores from spreading as early as possible. Cold sores are not only unsightly but are also itchy and annoying. It may also be accompanied with fever and aches especially to children.

Direct skin contact or through things that had contact with the blisters helps spread cold sores from one area of the skin to another or to other people. Kissing, touching or oral sex are the common ways of spreading the virus.

Nevertheless, cold sores can be prevented from spreading. The following are ways to avoid cold sores from spreading.

Avoid skin contact with people that already had the blisters.

To avoid cold sores from spreading, avoid skin contact. Some people that may have the herpes simplex virus may not easily manifest cold sores. However, if you happen to spot red patches on their skin and if you suspect them as cold sores, then better avoid direct skin contact. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Keep your hands clean.

Our hands come in contact with a lot of things so it is not surprising if one of these is the herpes simplex virus. Keep your hands clean to avoid cold sores. Moreover, touching an area of the skin that already has cold sores into another unaffected area spreads the cold sores into other areas of the skin. Hand washing improves the chances of avoiding not only cold sores but other diseases as well.

Use your own, good stuff.

Things that had contact with cold sore blisters may help spread the virus. Toothbrushes and towels are usually moist and warm, providing the conditions that viruses love growing on. Make sure they are always clean, dry and nobody else uses them to avoid cold sores from spreading.

Don’t scratch that scab.

Cold sores begin as red patches, then become fluid-filled blisters before finally bursting, leaving a raw skin area to heal and to scab. Scratching the sores or scabs may disrupt the healing process and makes it hard to avoid cold sores from spreading. This also makes the broken skin prone to infection.

If the person suffering from cold sores also has atopic dermatitis, extra care must be done to avoid cold sores from spreading into the dermatitis as this would allow the sores to spread into a larger area of the skin. Always keep the sores clean and dry.

Be healthy.

Stress, illness and fatigue weaken the body’s immune system, making it more vulnerable to viral infections. These also trigger the recurrence of cold sores. Avoid cold sores by eating a healthy balanced diet, exercise and getting enough sleep.

Load up with lysine!

It was found out that lysine helps in healing the swelling of cold sores. Lysine can be found in potatoes and dairy-rich products. However, pregnant or nursing mothers are not advised to take up lysine since it can interfere with infant growth and development.

Get sun-protection.

Ultraviolet rays from the sun increases the chances of cold sore recurrence. Use sun block to avoid cold sores.

Go natural or over-the-counter.

There are a number of remedies available at pharmacist’s shops to treat and avoid cold sores. Cymex and 5% acyclovir cream are the popular products and can be bought without prescription. However, acyclovir cream should not be used on the lips since it may cause irritation. Antiviral medication may also be taken along especially during the initial phase of the cold sore.

Natural remedies may also be used. Lemon balm, tea and Echinacea all have anti-viral properties. Vaseline may be applied to the scabs to avoid cold sores from cracking.

If things get worse, visit the doctor.

Cold sores are sign of a weak immune system and may signal more serious illnesses like pneumonia or HIV. If there are other symptoms besides the appearance of cold sores, it is best to consult a medical doctor for further examination and to avoid cold sores from spreading.

But if you tried everything and found little or no relief, do not lose hope. Did you know that you can cure your cold sores or Herpes Simplex Type I naturally and get your confidence back - from the comfort of your own home? Discover how to cure cold sore permanently for life in just 3 days. You will never have to worry about having serious cold sore swelling and recurrence problem again. Face the world in 3 days with the freedom to feel great about yourself and your appearance visit Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days at Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Stop that Sore! Discover How to Avoid Cold Sores from Spreading. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Cold Sore Treatment: A Free and Easy 3-Step Home Remedy

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Are you searching for a good cold sore treatment? Thousands of cold sore folks like you and I are every day.

Well, do not spend your hard-earned money before you read about this powerful cold sore treatment 3-step plan. It is a home remedy that provides amazing relief, without having to buy some "secret" formula.

There are a lot of over-the-counter and prescription cold sore treatment products that claim to be the latest and greatest miracle. You buy one and try it, and, again, you are disappointed.

Truth is, most cold sore treatment products you find in stores are mainly comfort remedies. Nothing wrong with that - doing whatever you can to reduce the pain and discomfort while the cold sore is healing.

And even the prescription drugs that you read about in the papers have a very poor track record for reducing the length of the cold sore event. Studies show that the best of these may reduce the cold sore period by a few days. No big deal when they last three to four weeks.

If you could find a cold sore treatment plan that would give you maximum comfort, while cutting the healing time by a week or more - would that not be great?

You can do that right now.

But, quickly, let us first look at what we are dealing with.

The root cause of cold sores, fever blisters, or oral herpes is an infestation of the herpes simplex virus. This parasite virus lives in your nerve cells and is usually dormant. For cold sores, which occur mainly on the face, the herpes virus hides in the nerve ganglia under or behind your ear on the same side as your cold sore outbreak.

When this virus senses a weakness in your immune system, it will grab the opportunity to replicate. To do so, the cold sore virus will travel to the end of the nerve where it is living - ending up on the surface of your lip or nose. During the replication process, a hoard of new herpes virus is created. Millions of your cells are destroyed in this process, creating an open wound right on the end of a nerve. Ouch!

Now you need an effective cold sore treatment.

If you are vigilant, you can stop the replication process, wipe out millions of viruses, and send the remaining virus back into hibernation. And it is amazing how quickly your cold sore will heal once you have removed the cold sore virus from the area.

What cold sore treatment can do this? Plain ice or another cold object, such as a can of soda. Seems too simple, right? But ice is a very good cold sore treatment. It reduces swelling, heat and pain and chases the cold sore virus away. Ice, or similar, is free and available just about anywhere you might be when you suddenly feel a cold sore coming on. Put the ice in a plastic bag for less mess.

But, you must act quickly, at the first inkling of a cold sore. Even a couple hours delay can mean you will get a full-blown cold sore that could last 3 weeks or more.

Yes, as soon as you can, apply some cold object to it.

No matter how far along your cold sore, ice is a very good cold sore treatment. It can reduce the cold sore event by 35% or more. It will also work with, and boost, any other treatment, whether oral or topical.

A great virus killer for surface use is alcohol. It can sting, if you have not numbed it with ice first, but it is the gold standard for keeping a wound clean and reducing infections. Use a cotton ball or tissue to apply it. You do not want to contaminate your fingers and spread it to someone else or to another location on yourself.

To speed healing even faster, try using some fresh sap from the Aloe Vera plant leaf. Just break off an inch or so of a leaf and apply the sap to the wound. Be sure to use the alcohol, or some other germ killer first. Aloe can heal right over an infection.

Also, do not waste your time on bottled Aloe Vera. It just does not have the healing power. Get a live plant for home - they are available nearly anywhere. Every household should have one. Aloe Vera is useful for a great many things besides a cold sore treatment.

There you have it - one of my favorite cold sore treatment plans in a nutshell. It is a powerful plan you can use right this minute to heal that cold sore.

Yes, it is quite simple but it is a well proven and powerful three-step cold sore treatment.

Denny Bodoh is a 35 year newspaper veteran and research writer on alternative health and nutrition. Get the latest information on cold sores and great cold sore treatment ideas at Denny's popular site:

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Info About Cold Sore Attacks You Must Know

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Are you searching for fresh and accurate info about cold sore events? Maybe you are seeking information for your cold sore, or that of a family member. Whatever the reason you are reading this, the more cold sores information you have, the less threatening they will be.

In this article, I will give you great info about cold sore attacks that you can use. You will discover, in a minute, practical and fresh info about cold sores that you will not find anywhere else.

Cold sores are not new. Yes, they certainly are an epidemic of global proportions today. But, according to history, cold sore outbreaks were epidemic even 2000 years ago. Over 59% of the world population today will get a cold sore in the next 24 months. Most will have multiple cold sores during that time.

How many do you get per year? The average is three to four outbreaks per 12-month period.

The root cause of a cold sore outbreak is an active herpes simplex virus. There are two types of this virus that are known to cause cold sores. Herpes simplex type 1 causes 79% of the facial sores. Type 2 herpes is the cause of the other 21%. A sore created by either type of herpes is identical in look, feel, and duration time. There is six other herpes simplex viruses that cause diseases such as mono, chicken pox, and shingles.

No info about cold sore events should be presented without mention of how easy it is for spreading cold sore virus. Simply put, cold sores are EXTREMELY AND DANGEROUSLY CONTAGIOUS. Your cold sore virus, when active, can be spread to others by touch, or by commonly used objects, such as faucets. You can also easily spread it to other areas of your own body. The most feared is infecting your eye. Such an event can cause permanent loss of vision. Usual cause of spreading cold sore virus to the eyes is contaminated fingers.

The herpes simplex virus is sub-microscopic. Tiny indeed. Similar size viruses are head cold and flu viruses. When you have a head cold or flu, your mouth and nasal fluids contain these viruses. Same is true with active cold sores. When you sneeze or cough, these viruses can become airborne in droplets of moisture and infect people near you.

Fortunately, cold sores will generally stay in the same area as the initial infection site. They have not, as yet, been known to spread internally. A close cousin, chicken pox, does spread internally and creates sores all over the body. Fortunately, one bout with chicken pox is all you will likely have in a lifetime.

This is not so with cold sores.

Your cold sore attacks can reoccur many times over your lifetime. With each cold sore event, your body creates additional anti-bodies to protect you. However, the cold sore virus is extremely good at hiding and survival. Because of this, the herpes simplex virus will likely be with you for life.

Only recently have scientists discovered why.

The herpes simplex virus will hide in your nerve cells in the nerve ganglia near your ear - for facial cold sores. Not only does this virus hide in the nerve cell, it actually takes control of it. Each of your cells is programmed to die and be reborn. The cold sore virus interferes with this process and will not let the cell die. In addition, the virus will hibernate in such a way that it gives off little or no signs of life that could be tracked by our body defenses. Over the centuries, it truly has adapted for survival.

The open, weeping cold sore occurs when the herpes virus replicates. The virus senses when your immunity is down or distracted. It then becomes active and quickly moves to the surface through the nerve fibers. Once at the surface, each virus enters a nerve cell. It then forces the cell to create clones of itself. When the cell is full, the original virus kills the cell to release the new viruses. These new viruses are complete and full size, identical to the original virus.

You have now learned that the root cause of cold sores is the replication process of the herpes simplex virus. You have also discovered that this virus is a master at hiding. It hides undetected from our own body defenses and all the medications invented so far. And finally, you now know that cold sore virus is not just an inconvenience but is dangerously contagious. The ease of spreading cold sore virus is why it is an epidemic today.

I hope this helps in your search for info about cold sore.

Denny Bodoh is a 35-year newspaper veteran and dedicated natural health research writer. Get a lot more Info About Cold Sore Attacks and amazing Cold Sore Treatments at Denny's popular site:

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Treat Cold Sores, Sore Throats, and Warts Naturally

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Tired of costly medications, prescriptions and time lost for doctor’s appointments, I found myself on a constant search for alternative, affordable health solutions to heal such common painful infections as sore throats, cold sores and warts. Everyone has had at least one of these in their lifetime. The quick methods below will remove warts, clear painful sore throats and heal unsightly cold sores. A benefit of these treatments is that they can be started immediately. No waiting for appointments, waiting for your prescription from the drug store or lengthy suffering before starting the healing process.

Over the years I have personally used these remedies for all members of my family with repeated success. A recent research venture (by who?) uncovered that many others have successfully used these remedies as well. What’s even better is you start healing faster and in the case of warts you can avoid painful removal treatments.

The following scenarios are my own therefore I know the remedies work first hand. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical care. If you have a medical problem you should consult your doctor.

Sore throats

Apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic – it kills germs on contact. Think about this - by the time you go to the doctor and have your throat swabbed you can be gargling every 2 hours and have the infection cleared. If your throat feels worse by the end of the day – see your doctor. The Ohio State University Hospital prescribes apple cider vinegar for ear infections.

The Treatment:

As soon as you know your throat is infected, gargle every 2 hours with apple cider vinegar. Make sure you allow a small amount of it to go down your throat (yes, swallow it). Have a glass of water ready to rinse your mouth immediately to avoid the uncomfortable sourness from the vinegar.

Cold Sores

A three day cure – believe it! A cold sore arrived three days before I was to be the maid of honor for my friend. My normal ten day cure wasn’t going to be good enough. I frantically did my research and found this remedy in the Prevention Magazine.

Yogurt was the answer. Yogurt is made from the living culture lactobacillus acidophilus and is the active ingredient that will heal your cold sore. The awkward part of this is you will have a white blob on your face, but I think it’s worse to have an unsightly cold sore.

The Treatment:

Repeatedly cover the cold sore with plain yogurt- every time it feels dry. Take five yogurt tablets (1,000mg) 3 times a day, with each meal This sounds like a lot, but it’s only concentrated yogurt. The more you stick to this plan the higher the likelihood the cold sore will be gone in three days

It’s imperative to purchase the yogurt and yogurt capsules that contain living bacteria (kept refrigerated). More readily found at health food stores.


Desperate to avoid having my ten year old daughter’s large plantar warts burned or frozen off I had nothing to lose trying this solution. My second daughter, in her early teens, also developed plantar warts. She didn’t have the patience to work with me using this method. After a while the warts spread across the balls of both her feet, an area covering 1” x 3” on each foot, making it difficult for her to walk. She wanted a quick fix and decided to try the burn off method. After 4 sessions it was too painful for her, thank goodness, because it was too painful for me to watch. She agreed to work with me on the Vitamin method. Over a 2 week course the roots blackened and painlessly could be removed as her foot slowly healed back to normal. Today you would never know her feet were so badly deformed with warts – they never reoccurred.

The Treatment:

Vitamin E

1. Every morning and every night soak the wart with vitamin E (the highest I.U. you can buy)

2. Cover it with bandaids so the wart stays saturated

3. Take one capsule of vitamin E a day (it didn’t work for us if we skipped this part)

4. Continue this for 1-2 weeks, as the wart loosens and turns fibrous you can safely remove the particles.

5. The vitamin E will also aid in the healing of the skin.

Alternative Treatment:

Garlic has been reported as another highly effective solution to removing warts I haven’t personally tried this, but because of the amazing healing properties of garlic I would definitely try it.

1. Rub crushed garlic on the wart
2. Cover with bandaids
3. A blister will form and the wart begins to fall off
4. Continue with vitamin E until the skin heals.

These types of treatments have been used for centuries and too often we are accustomed to thinking the drug store has all the answers. What have you got to lose using products you already absorb or consume through foods?

Barb Keck is the author of this article, and many more on various topics of life at Vidaville - it's about living! Answers to daily dilemmas, making life easier and more enjoyable. Educates and inspires to have healthy relationships and new ways to live. Life resources for women and men to love, laugh and live.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cold Sore Treatment - Lemon Balm Ice

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A good cold sore treatment can really be a blessed relief for cold sore victims like you and me.

And, if you're like me, you want a cold sore treatment that will not only give you a lot of comfort right now, but will hopefully shorten the healing time so you can get on with your life. That's the beauty of this well proven cold sore treatment.

I'm always searching for a better cold sore treatment. I have many good friends at Mayo who I've partnered with for research purposes over the past 33 years. But it's important to keep in mind that the following cold sore treatment methods are not presented as medical advice - only as information for your consideration. There is no substitute for a one-on-one relationship with a medical professional.

By far, the most popular cold sore treatment is the application of ice. It slows down metabolism, numbs the area, discourages the virus from replicating, and is readily available. Apply ice for 10 minutes at a time to your cold sores, maybe 3 times an hour, as a very basic cold sore treatment.

With this cold sore treatment, if I could catch the cold sores at the first tingle and apply the ice, it delayed - and sometimes prevented - the cold sores from actually moving into the blister stage. If a blister does form, this cold sore treatment still works great for providing blessed comfort. Because it does slow down metabolism, it also will slow down the healing of your cold sores. Best not to use it as much during the healing phase of your cold sores as a cold sore treatment.

A fishing buddy of mine - a Mayo doctor - while on an outing on the Mississippi, revealed his secret cold sore treatment.

His cold sore treatment involves the use of lemon balm tea.

These tea bags can be found for cheap anywhere you find specialty teas. If the lemon balm is not "stand alone" but in a blend with other herbs, that will usually be just fine too - as long as lemon balm is the primary.

Dr. W. explained that he discovered lemon balm herb has anti-viral properties and is a natural cold sore treatment. He took a 16 - 20 ounce container of bottled water. He then brewed a strong batch of lemon balm tea using one tea bag per 4 ounces - then froze the tea bags - using these in place of the plain ice cold sore treatment.

You get the comforting effect of ice plus, as the tea-bag melts, the application of the anti-viral properties of lemon balm. He stored the tea back in the original bottles for convenience and further cold sore treatment.

Additionally, Dr. W. - to supercharge this cold sore treatment - would sip the lemon balm tea and apply the tea liquid to the cold sores with a cotton ball between lemon balm ice sessions.

If you're the rare person who gets cold sores inside the mouth, you'll find they are very difficult to deal with. This may be exactly the cold sore treatment for you. Use the lemon balm tea as a mouthwash, then swallow for an additional boost. Listerine has worked well as a cold sore treatment, both in the mouth and applied externally, but it stings like crazy.

I also found that freezing the tea and sucking on the lemon balm ice chips is very effective and comforting as an in-the-mouth cold sore treatment.

I tried his cold sore treatment and it worked great for my family too, back when we used to get cold sores frequently. Quite a vast improvement on the old ice method.

This cold sore treatment, using lemon balm frozen tea bags, is a much better choice than plain ice during the healing stages of your cold sores. Although you are slowing metabolism, you are also killing many viruses with this cold sore treatment.

There are many other reported highly effective cold sore treatment methods that you can try. These include tea tree oil, dmso, olive leaf oil, lysine, zinc, yogurt, aloe vera and more. Lysine and zinc do not work well applied directly because the size of their molecules are too large for effective absorption. Lysine and zinc are better used as internal support supplements.

We have tested every over-the-counter cold sore treatment - at least all that we could find. We found they are great for comfort but none of them did anything to actually kill the virus or speed healing.

Keep in mind that the best and most effective cold sore treatment will be topical - directly applied - for any open surface lesion like a cold sore.

I hope you, too, will find this to be an excellent, cheap, and useful cold sore treatment.

Denny Bodoh is a 33 year newspaper veteran and a health and nutrition research writer. If you desire to know more about cold sores, and what you can do about them, visit Denny's wildly popular website:

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Cold Sore Herpes - Virus of Mass Destruction

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The cold sore herpes virus will cause mass destruction when and where this virus gets the chance to do so.

In a minute you will know why this virus causes so much damage. You will learn what you can do to prevent it from happening to you or loved ones. Yes. In spite of what you might have heard, your painfully embarrassing cold sores can be prevented. It really is not that hard or expensive.

There are eight different types of herpes viruses. The cold sore herpes virus most often responsible for a cold sore is the herpes simplex type 1. The type 2 version causes about 20% of cold sores. It does not really matter. The cold sores are identical in looks, pain, and healing time.

Is it not true? Cold sores seem to come at the worst of times. Some of the most common trigger events are weddings, dates and job interviews. These are particularly stressful events. Cold sore outbreaks will often take place whenever there is some physical or mental stress. Mental stress will always affect you physically, even if you do not notice it at the time. Quite likely, if you backtrack from your outbreak, you will find a stress trigger occurred two or three days prior.

The cold sore herpes virus is a sub-microscopic living particle. It is so tiny that it can hide inside your nerve cells. When latent, the virus will hide in the nerve fibers near your ear. Scientists recently discovered that, when hiding, the herpes virus can shut down nearly all function. This makes the virus all but invisible to even our own body defenses. This is also the reason medical science has not yet found any way to remove cold sore herpes from your system.

When the virus senses the conditions are right, it moves quickly. It will travel through the nerve fibers like a highway to the surface target area. It is this travel along the nerve that you feel just prior to an outbreak. This virus movement will produce an itching, burning or dryness sensation at the target location. From the time of the first itching to actual blister formation could be two hours or two days.

The only reason the cold sore herpes virus becomes active is to create new virus. It cannot reproduce itself, like bacteria. The herpes virus, once it gets to the surface, will enter a nerve cell. It will then take control and force the cell to make perfect clones of itself. Once the cell is filled to capacity, the original virus then explodes the nerve cell. The fresh virus clones spill out looking for a new home. When millions of neighboring cells are destroyed like this, you have an open cold sore ulcer. Your healing system then creates a fluid to cleanse the now open wound and wash away the new viruses.

What are the right conditions that encourage the cold sore herpes virus to become active? Living in the nerve cells, the herpes virus surely has an early warning system to any condition of your body.

Stress causes changes in our immune system, hormones, bodily functions and pH balance. A person who is in excellent physical health can take a lot more stress changes before cold sores occur. If you get frequent cold sores, or colds, you really should analyze your nutritional intake. Many folks have eliminated cold sore herpes events by merely taking a good vitamin supplement program. Some other nutritional improvements to prevent cold sores could be more fresh vegetables, particularly broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Also, increasing lysine intake by eating fish or taking a supplement has helped many.

The one trick that others use to prevent cold sore herpes outbreaks is to apply ice, or garlic oil, to the target area immediately at the first sign of itching or dryness. The coldness acts to repel the herpes virus and often send it back into hibernation. The garlic oil is excellent for repelling herpes virus. It may also help repel people, which may not be all that bad. You may be contagious during this period, so avoid kissing.

Now you know how this virus is so destructive. And you have seen those ideal conditions for the herpes virus are low immunity, and a low pH balance. You have also learned that the herpes virus hates cold and garlic. Armed with this information, you should now have a good start at preventing the mass destruction of cold sore herpes.

Denny Bodoh is a 35-year newspaper veteran and dedicated natural health research writer. Get the latest facts on Cold Sore Herpes and amazing Cold Sore Treatments at Denny's popular site:

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How to Get Rid of Cold Sore

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Cold sore is one type of common problems and we all suffer from the cold sore one time or another time of our life. If you want to know how to get rid of cold sore, you first need to know what is cold sore. Herpes virus in our body causes the cold sore. At the starting white blisters are formed inside our mouth and these can be very painful.

If you want to get of cold sore, one of the solutions is to put the ice on the cold sore until the ice melts. This will prevent the chance of blister formation at the site of cold sore and you need to put ice regularly so that the infection does not spread to other parts of the mouth. You can use a paper or towel on the skin to hold the ice.

As the cold sore are extremely painful, you can take over the counter painkillers if pain is unbearable. You can also use local anesthetic ointment instead of a painkiller. You should avoid citrus fruit as citric acid of citrus fruit will increase pain and blister formation and will also spread the disease to other parts of the mouth. You should also avoid salty food that will irritate the site. If you have taken any over the counter medicine, you should see your health care provider and tell him that you have taken OTC (over the counter) medicine.

Many people report that they apply garlic at the site of sold sore and get relief. Eating of garlic fruit is also beneficial and can cause some relief from sold sore. Cold sore and blisters can also be caused by food allergies to many people. If a special food causes cold sore and blisters to you, it is better to avoid the food for the time being.

One more method to get rid of cold sore is to pin and rub the alcohol at the popped blister. Alcohol is very useful for stopping herpes virus from spread. Alcohol should be carefully rubbed to the popped blister so that herpes virus is completely destroyed. You should avoid kissing, as cold sore is contagious in nature. - Get rid of Coldsores in three days!!

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Cold Sore During Pregnancy

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Get Rid Of Cold Sore Fast

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Get rid of cold sore fast

More than 60 million people suffer from the contagious disease caused by herpes virus in every year and to get rid of cold sore fast you need to try some of the following conventional and medicinal approaches.

Cold sore is one type of common problems and we all suffer from the cold sore one time or another time of our life. To get rid of cold sore fast, you can use one medicine known as lysine. The medicine is available on prescription and quickly relieves symptoms of cold sore. The medicine is tested and tried and takes healing time less than the other OTC (over the counter) medicines. Thus you can relieve within three to four days from the symptoms of cold sore and get rid of cold sore fast.

To get the rid of cold sore faster, mint tea is a better option. Mint is known for its anti viral property and is therefore very successful in healing cold sores and you get relief within a week. The additional benefit of mint is its soothing effect and therefore rest assured the mint tea would heal you comparatively fast than other methods.

Ice is the best solution for freezing herpes virus and whenever you see the first symptoms of cold sore, fever or blister, put some ice and hold it at sore for some time and repeat the process several times. This will not only relieve the pain quicker but the virus will also be stopped from spreading. This is one of the best techniques used by most of the patients and if cold sore is diagnosed early, you can get rid of cold sore fast.

Another best way to get rid of cold sore is to use salt water for washing the blisters. If you wash the cold sores with warm water containing salt more often, or put a cloth dipped in warm salt water for 10 to 20 minutes on your blisters few times a day, you are going to heal from your blisters very fast. The blisters thus dry very fast and within three to four days you are fit. - Get rid of Coldsores in three days!!

For More Information on Getting Rid of Colde Sores Click Here!

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A Curious Guide to Cold Sore Stages

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Cold sore stages are not the same for everyone, but they normally follow a predictable pattern. Let us take a look and compare your stages with others.

The most desirable of all stages of a cold sore, if there is such a thing, is the latent stage. The herpes virus is asleep and hiding in the nerve ganglia. There are no symptoms and no problems. Nearly a third of all who are infected with these herpes simplex viruses will never experience the active cold sore stages mentioned next. A blood test would be the only way of knowing if they carry this virus, or its anti-bodies. For the rest of us, read on.


1. PRODROME - During this beginning stage of a cold sore, the herpes virus senses the conditions are right for successful replication. It will then wake up and move to the surface of your face through the fibers of the nerve it originally picked as home. You can actually feel the virus movement as a tingling, itching sensation. Some report a burning or dryness. The next stage will occur anywhere between 2 hours and 2 days. You can delay, or even prevent, the virus from replicating by applying a good treatment at this stage. My suggestion is to get ice on the target area as soon as you feel these warning symptoms.

2. INFLAMMATION and PRE-SORE - During this stage of a cold sore, the virus particles enter the nerve cells. The irritation causes swelling and redness. The sore vesicles appear. These are small pimple-like red blisters that break out individually or in groups. They are quite painful to the touch. Additional symptoms that first appear at this stage are headaches, fever and swollen glands.

3. OPEN SORE - At this stage of a cold sore, the vesicles break open and merge into a single, big, open ulcer. This is probably the most painful stage. It definitely is the most contagious stage as a clear fluid weeps from the sore. This thick fluid is absolutely teeming with new virus that can easily infect another area of your own body, or someone else. Do not touch the sore with your fingers - use an alcohol soaked tissue. And do not kiss anyone, anywhere.

4. CRUST AND SCAB - At this cold sore stage, a yellowish crust or scab will form over the open wound. Still very painful at this stage, it is even more painful when you move your mouth and the scab cracks. Also, highly contagious fluid will weep out each time. As new skin forms under the crust, itching, pain and much discomfort will continue. The scab may fall off and re-form one or more times during this healing period. The herpes virus is now retreating back into hiding until the next opportune moment.

5. POST SCAB AND FINAL HEALING - At this cold sore stage your scab is gone and the new skin is visible. Under the new skin, however, healing continues as the millions of destroyed cells are replaced. There usually is redness in the area until this healing is complete. This could take from 2 to 15 days, depending on your healing speed and any concurrent stress situations. The waiting makes this the most frustrating stage of a cold sore.

These stages and symptoms occur over a period of about three to four weeks, depending on your current health level, stress, and the care you apply. They are not pleasant and can be dangerous if caution is not taken. Careful personal hygiene and maintaining a high level of social responsibility will greatly reduce the risk and effects of each of the cold sore stages.

Discover a lot more about Cold Sores and amazing Cold Sore treatments at Denny's popular site:

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Easy Cold Sore Prevention Tips

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Unfortunately, cold sores affect millions of adults here in the U.S. and around the world. If you have suffered from these painful sores then you know about them all to well. But there are things you can do to help prevent them from appearing.

Yes, there are a number of medications you can take for curing cold sores, and some work great, but wouldn't it be nice to prevent them from getting to that point of needing medicine?

The biggest key to cold sore prevention is building up your immunity. Doctors agree that when your body's immunity system is low, cold sores can easily form. A strong immunity system means a lower risk of any outbreak.

Lower your stress - This is the bigger of any keys in reducing outbreaks. Be conscious of the stress in your everyday life. Don't allow yourself to get into stressful situations if at all possible.

Wear sunscreen - now that it's summer, wear sunscreen when spending time outside. Even if it's cloudy, UV levels can still be a major issue in bringing on a cold sore.

Add more vitamin C to your diet. Whether you eat more fruits containing vitamin C or take a vitamin supplement, increased levels of vitamin C can help build up your body's immunity system.

These 3 simple tips can go a long way in preventing cold sores from ever forming.

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By the way, you can learn more about Cold Sore Prevention as well as more information on everything to do with cold sores by visiting us at

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Friday, September 14, 2007

How To Prevent Cold Sore Outbreaks

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Cold sore is a painful nuisance that you should avoid. It is caused by herpes simplex virus that commonly appears around the mouth, nose, and chin as painful blisters. It may also appear on eyelids, fingers and genitals. Cold sore virus is highly contagious and you have to be cautious to prevent cold sore outbreaks. Once you are infected by this virus, it will reside dormant in your nerves and once activated cold sore occurs. Here are some safety measures to prevent the outbreak of cold sores.

Nutritious diet and vitamins. You are prone to cold sores when your body defenses or immune system weakens and nutritious foods can help improve your immune system to prevent cold sore outbreaks. A diet high in lysine and low in arginine helps prevent cold sore outbreaks. Lysine slows down viral reproduction and arginine aids the growth and reproduction of herpes simplex virus. You can boost your lysine intake by eating milk, potatoes, beans, chicken and fish. Doctors may also recommend supplements if you need higher amount of lysine. Avoid foods high in arginine such as chocolates and nuts. Add more vitamin C to your diet, this will help boost your immune system and prevent cold sore outbreaks.

Avoid triggers. Stress, not enough sleep, staying in the sun for a long period of time, cold and flu are some of the triggers of cold sores that can be avoided. These conditions will make your body susceptible to the herpes simplex virus. Avoid these triggers to prevent cold sore outbreaks.

Hygiene. It is important to practice cleanliness to prevent cold sore outbreaks. Herpes simplex virus is highly contagious; avoid sharing personal items like towels, toothpaste, utensils etc. Always keep your hands clean. Avoid contact with people suspected having cold sores to prevent cold sore outbreaks.

If you failed to prevent cold sore outbreaks and already experiencing recurring cold sore problems, there are still things you can do to stop your cold sore. Did you know that you can totally eliminate your cold sores in 3 days? You will never have to worry about having serious cold sore swelling and recurrence problem again. Face the world in 3 days with the freedom to feel great about yourself and your appearance visit Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days

To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including How to Prevent Cold Sore Outbreaks. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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8 Critical Cold Sore Stages

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Let's look at the 8 distinct cold sore stages, and what you can do now to lessen the severity, discomfort and length of your cold sore event.

Cold sore stages 2-8 are the active stages and are very contagious during this time. Usually 3 to 4 weeks is the average life-span of a cold sore. Much depends on your health and choice of treatments for each of your cold sore stages.

COLD SORE STAGES: #1 - LATENT - Here the cold sore herpes simplex virus is hiding in the nerve ganglia near the back of the jaw on the same side as your cold sore usually appears. The cold sore virus may "sleep" for weeks or years without incident. Your body's defense "soldiers" keep them in check. When there is stress in another part of your body, your defenses may drop at this location. Then the cold sore virus can escape and travel to the surface to reproduce - beginning the active cold sore stages.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 2 - PRODROME - The cold sore virus reproductive cycle begins here. The cold sore virus travels down your nerve fibers to the surface. This movement causes your cold sore target area to itch or tingle. You may notice a burning or dryness sensation. This stage could last a few hours to a few days before entering the more intense cold sore stages.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 3 - INFLAMMATION Your cold sore virus has now arrived at the surface and begins it's reproductive cycle by entering the cells at the end of the nerve. This causes a lot of swelling and redness at the cold sore site as your cells react to being invaded by the herpes cold sore virus .

COLD SORE STAGES: # 4 - PRE-SORE - Cold sores at this stage are defined by the appearance of cold sore vesicles. A full blown cold sore is not one big blister but a grouping of small blisters called vesicles. You will notice these vesicles as tiny, hard pimples or red bumps that are painfully sensitive to the touch.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 5 - OPEN SORE - Your most painful and contagious of the cold sore stages. All the vesicles break open and merge to create one big open, weeping sore. Depending on the severity, you may develop a fever and swollen lymph glands under the jaw.

The weeping fluid is teaming with newly born cold sore viruses. Touching this fluid, you could easily spread the cold sore virus to another part of your own body or to someone else - either by direct touch or shared objects such as hand towels, telephones, and faucets.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 6 - CRUSTING - A cold sore will develop a yellowish crust or scab as it begins to finally start the healing process. Your cold sore is still painful at this stage. More painful, however, is the constant cracking of your cold sore scab when you move or stretch your lips, as in smiling.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 7- HEALING - Cold sores, once scabbed over, begin healing from the inside out. As new skin forms under the crust, you will experience continued itching, irritation and some pain. Your cold sore virus is now retreating back to the nerve ganglia area where it will sleep until the next opportunity.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 8 - POST SCAB - Cold sores at this stage no longer have a visible cold sore scab and your skin has totally healed. Under your new skin, healing is still taking place as the destroyed cells are regenerated. This produces a red spot that may linger for another 2 to 14 days - depending on your personal healing speed. You are still contagious until this red spot disappears. This waiting is the most frustrating of the cold sore stages.


Cold sore over-the-counter medications, experts agree, are primarily comfort treatments for the cold sore stages. Some contain numbing agents that greatly reduce your pain. Some cold sore medications contain an anti-bacterial to prevent secondary infections. None of these cold sore medications have been shown to actually shorten the life-span of any of your cold sore stages.

Medical science has been working feverishly on a cure for the herpes virus but have not, as yet, had any real success in developing an effective cold sore remedy. Prescription anti-virals, both the oral versions and the topical salves, have been a dismal failure for the most part. Vaccines are being tested but are 3-4 years out yet. New breakthroughs could be just around the corner however.

But you don't need to wait!

More and more doctors now agree. There are times when natural science just seems to be the best choice. Often our ONLY choice. This is certainly true - right now - for herpes cold sores.

Data studies have shown natural science remedies can reduce the cold sore events by as much as 79%.

Yes! And, in fact, actually prevent your cold sores from taking place altogether.

The great news - these remedies are available to you today.

If you are a cold sore victim, you would be well advised to look into these powerful natural remedies without delay for shortening or preventing your cold sores.

Denny Bodoh is a newspaper publisher and 33 year veteran research writer on alternative health and nutrition. If you would like to know more about herpes and cold sores, and what you can do about them, visit his popular site at:

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another Cold Sore! Why Me?

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An estimated 85 million Americans have acquired the herpes simplex (cold sore) virus. And the majority had received the virus before the age of 3.

Not such a big surprise when you realize how many loving Uncles, Aunts and nephew just can't resist that cute little Kissy Kissy baby. Which is exactly how the Herpes Simplex virus is passed along. That innocent little hug and kiss is all it takes to inject a lifetime of the Herpes Simplex virus.

Generally a cold sore will run from 5 to 15 days in its various stages. They will range from a tiny split to an enormous sized seeping scab.

If the virus has gained strong immunities against your antibodies then you will be prone to repeated outbreaks.

Unlike the sexually transmitted Herpes virus there is little to worry about with the Herpes Simplex virus other than an occasional lip sore that can grow to the size of a watermelon and cause every living being to stare at you like you have a 12 inch nose growing out the side of your face.

So the first question to pop into your mind might be, "is there a cure"? No. The herpes simplex virus is very versatile and can adapt to just about anything you can throw at it. It will adapt and become stronger with each form of treatment.

Which brings us to question two. "Is there any particular remedy that has proven to stop or control cold sore outbreaks". Accepting the fact that what was just said in the proceeding paragraph the answer would be yes and no.

Because most immune changes of the virus are minor it leaves it open to possible treatments by various antibiotics and many natural remedies which can temporarily halt an outbreak. However, again the virus will quickly adapt to many of these treatments making them useless on the next outbreak.

So, yes some treatments will work on most outbreaks but there will definitely be a stage of herpes simplex virus immune syndrome that will eventually make most all present day treatments ineffective. Simply meaning the more you try to treat the outbreaks with various medications the sooner you will reach the stage where no treatment will help.

You must also keep in mind that your present overall health conditions and other variables may temporarily slow or stop a remedy from working. So it may not always be the virus but your present health condition that blocks any remedy from working. So, what is your solution for cold sore outbreaks?

If you have the simple small split type sore just let it run the course. Your body will develop antibodies to overpower the virus outbreak which will help keep new outbreaks from happening so repeatedly.

However if you have the major Mt Saint Helen's size outbreak then you can try the various medications and treatments in hopes that you will hit the right one.

A rule of thumb would be not to use remedies that you have recently used in the past simply because of the likelihood that the virus has already become immune to it.

For a list of medications and home remedies see:

About the author: Dan Adams is the founder of BnB Associates, Inc. His company has offered natural oxygenated skin and health remedies since 1996.

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Get Rid Of A Cold Sore

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Getting a cold sore can be a most unpleasant experience. And if you are one of the over 60 million people who develop a cold sore each and every year, you already know that. Why do people get a cold sore, and what can be done when a cold sore appears? Here is a quick cold sore Q & A to give you some answers to these questions and many others.

What Causes A Cold Sore?

There are many reasons why you can get a cold sore. One of the biggest ones is due to stress. If you are going through a very stressful time in your life, your chances of getting a cold sore are greatly increased. Why? Because your immunity is low due to the stress. Being out in to much sunlight can be a big cause. Other triggers include illness, fevers, and believe it or not, even eating too much chocolate can cause a cold sore to break out.

Is A Cold Sore Contagious?

Cold sores are extremely contagious. You should avoid kissing anyone when you have a cold sore. You will also want to avoid sharing glasses, utensils, toothbrushes, and towels.

How Long Do Cold Sores Last?

While there is no set length of time, cold sores can last up to 2 weeks. If you can start treating it very early in the beginning you may be able to reduce the length of time significantly. In many cases it can be only 3-5 days in duration. The key is treating it as soon as you notice something is not right and you start noticing some discomfort.

What Is The Difference Between A Canker Sore And A Cold Sore?

A canker sore appears on the inside of your mouth or gums and is caused by bacteria. A cold sore is caused by a virus and will most likely always appear on the outside of your mouth. There are rare times when a cold sore will form on the roof of your mouth.

Is There Anything That Will Get Rid Of A Cold Sore?

While there is no cure to ever preventing a cold sore from forming, there are products available that will dramatically help reduce the pain and help heal the cold sore much faster. Many times you can be healed in as little as 4-5 days. (You can go to our website for more details.) You can also purchase medication from any pharmacy with a doctors prescripition. Most of the over the counter products may help in a small way, but unfortunately, many are simply ineffective.

You can find much more information on how to get rid of a cold sore as well as get FREE tips and information on cold sores at

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cold Sore Cure

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Are you looking for cold sore cure? What is the best way to cure cold sore? Learning about cold sore is very important so we’ll understand what cold sore is and cold sore cure in the best way.

What is Cold sore? Cold sore is called herpes labialis on medical term. The infection caused by the herpes simplex type I virus. It leads to the development of a small patch of erythema then a vesicle that erodes appears and usually itching and soreness on the skin of the mouth, lips or lip area. The first symptoms usually appear within 1 or 3 weeks after contact.

Cold sore is contagious and once you are infected with it, the virus remains with you for a life. The virus stays dormant most of the time in the nerve cells on your body, until some of certain things can cause recurrence outbreak.

Cold sore is contagious. It can spread by direct contact such as a kiss, or through contact with infected towel, toothbrush, food utensils, and any other shared things.

What is cold sore cure? There are so many choices to cure cold sore, you can use cold sore ‘over the counter’ (OTC) medication, they can relief your cold sore symptom like itchy or pain, but no cure the virus completely. OTC medications include aloe Vera and vitamin E cream and for the pain relief such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

If you consult to your doctor, he may recommend you to take the antiviral medicines. Antiviral medicines work best if you take it when you think the virus is just starting to come back, before you see the blister. For most people anti-viral medicines are probably the most effective cold sore cure to stopping the virus while using the medication, but they do not prevent recurrence once the treatment is stopped.

So what is the best way to cure cold sore? Natural home remedies is the best cure for cold sore because they can relieve the symptoms, decrease the risk of recurrent outbreaks, and no dangerous side effects.

Natural home remedies have proven to be effective to cold sore cure and help reduce reoccurrence. So the complete treatment solution to cold sore is using natural home remedies.

The goal of cold sore cure is to provide relieve from the discomfort of cold sore symptoms and to decrease the time it takes for recurrent outbreaks. The best way to deal with cold sore is choice the effective cold sore cure for you, so it doesn’t have to get in the way of your living.

COLD SORES HURT YOU! Emotionally, psychologically, and physically, they hurt on a daily basis. Find out exactly what The best METHOD how you can STOP cold sore at the root of the problem, instead of just masking the symptoms?…Click here: Cold Sore CURE!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cold Sore Remedy

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Cold Sore Prevention

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Cold sores can be very annoying, embarrassing, and socially incapacitating. Why wait for it to happen to you? There are some practical things you can do to protect yourself from contacting the cold sore virus, or at least keep cold sores from recurring if you already have them. Here are some tips.

Safe sex. Using condoms is rated as the top method to prevent the transmission of herpes simplex infection. But there is an even more effective way: abstinence. Though condoms effectively prevent the spread of HSV and other sexually transmitted diseases, they do not guarantee 100 percent safety. The best way is still to either not engage in sexual activities at all, or at least defer engaging in sexual activities until your cold sore heals.

Lip balms. Studies show that using lip balm helps prevent orofacial infection. Regular lip balms cost less than $2. There are also specialty lip balms designed to prevent dryness, prevent triggers and inhibit viral replication in people who have already suffered from cold sores. These lip balms claim to dramatically reduce recurrence.

Hygiene. Stay away from the personal belongings of a person who has cold sores. Do not share utensils, towels, clothes, and other items with an infected person. Also be sure to wash your hands regularly either with soap or cleansing hand gels. About five to eight times per day is enough. Wash more often if you accidentally touch the affected area.

Overall fitness. You are also more likely to get a cold sore if your body's immune system is weak. So always get enough sleep and eat a balance diet. Eat healthy meals high in vitamin C and other immune-boosting vitamins. Engage in activities that let you get a physical workout, and avoid stressing about little things.

Cold Sores provides detailed information on Cold Sores, Cause of Cold Sores, Are Cold Sores Contagious?, Cold Sore Treatment and more. Cold Sores is affiliated with Infant Constipation.

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